Chapter 40

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I did not expect Sam to be here.

It was early in the morning. I had woken up with swollen eyes and very parched lips. Feeling extremely thirsty, I trudged out of my warm haven aka my bed and went into the cramped living room slash kitchen to get a glass of water.

I would've walked right past him if I didn't hear the annoying, but familiar static sound of my crappy television. It was an old, gray, cubic television that I bought at a garage sale a few years ago. From the outside it looked healthy and absolutely normal, but who knew it would be a piece of trash. I only used it a couple times. The static sound made it impossible for me to hear what was going on the screen. And it got super annoying when I was watching a TV show and it was at the climax. I couldn't hear a word they saying and it seemed as if the TV was messing with me. The sound of the static seemed to increase in volume at the most critical and interesting parts. But it was perfectly fine when the boring news was on.

"Morning Sadie," Sam greeted with a smile. He looked away from the screen and took a sip of the steamy liquid from the coffee mug in his hand.

I tried to smile and pretend I was perfecting fine but I couldn't do it. "What are you doing here? Didn't you say that it would be safer if we didn't see each other??" I accused.

Sam frowned. "I missed you. Is it a sin to miss someone?" He stood up and walked over to me.

I looked away and didn't respond. I felt his large, warm hands hold onto mine gently.

"Look at me Sadie," he murmured softly.

I shook my head, turning away to avoid eye contact.


I was going to continue ignoring him, but I wanted to take a good look at the only person I had trusted during my darkest times. I wanted to see something that would show me that he didn't lie to me. That he did not betray me.

"Did something happen? Did you cry?" he asked worriedly.

"Nothing.." I lied.

"Come on, I have eyes. Your eyes are swollen. What's wrong? Tell me what happened," he pleaded. He gave me a comforting squeeze on my hand and waited for me to reply.

"Everything!!!" I exclaimed. "That's what's wrong!"

"W-what are you talking about Sadie?" Sam looked genuinely confused, but he could've just have a really thick mask on.

"Guess who I bumped into yesterday?" I paused for a few seconds to leave a suspenseful feel before continuing again. "Bryan. And he told me that he wasn't the one who put me in the car on the railroad."

I looked over at Sam and noticed that was beginning to look uneasy. He was staring at the ground, tapping his foot randomly.

"So was he lying? Or were you lying??" I asked.

He was silent. He let go of my hands and started to back away from me. "Hold on Sadie, I f-forgot that I had to make a call to someone. I'll be r-right back," he stuttered before scurrying away. He went into the bathroom and I heard the click of the lock.

I thought about waiting for him, but my curiosity got the best of me. Sam was being very suspicious with his stuttering and nervousness.

I tiptoed over to the bathroom and leaned against the wooden door. Luckily the door was old and practically transparent. I could hear everything clearly.

It was quiet at first, but then I heard hushed whispers inside. And because he was whispering, I only managed to catch bits of his conversation. Who knew that those bits would be more than enough for me to hear?

"... Amanda!.. she found out... what to do..."

There was a pause as the other person responded.

".. suspecting lie..."

I gasped when I put the pieces together.

He was talking to Amanda. He was asking her what to do next. He did lie to me.

I tried to calm down, but the fury of his betrayal was uncontainable. I brought my hand to the surface of the door and began banging my fist on it. The sound of hinges rattling filled the apartment. There was some shuffling on the other side, a click of the lock before the door began to open.

Sam had his phone lowered from his ear and the speaker covered by his hand. "Sorry, I'm almost done with this, did you need to use the toilet or some-?"

I didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence. I threw myself at him and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt. My fingers griped onto the fabric tightly. "How could you do this to me??!!? I trusted you!!" I screamed angrily as tears rolled down my cheek.

"Sadie... I-I can explain," he stuttered. "That was not what it sounded like."

"You can stop lying now, cut it out with your stupid excuses. Do you think I'm stupid?? I won't fall for one of your lies again!!"

"No Sadie, you've got to listen to me," Sam pleaded. "I was just... just telling Amanda... tha-that...," he began to explain. He seemed to be struggling with his explanation so I cut him off by slapping my hand across his cheek. There was a tingling sting on my hand, but I ignored it for the pain Sam has caused me was a thousand times more than painful than that.

His cell phone dropped onto the wooden floor with a loud clang. He was not expecting that. Sam's hand was covering the spot I had just slapped, his mouth gaping in shock.

"Get out!! I don't want to see you ever again!!" I screamed.

I expected him to leave, but he did the complete opposite.

He brought his hand away from his now red cheek and began examining his fingers. "Hold up Sadie, who got you this apartment again? Oh right, I did. I bought this place for you. Me. If anyone has the right to kick someone out, that person should be me," he smirked. "Now get the hell out of here before I call the cops." He pointed at the front door and tapped his foot impatiently as he walked for me to leave.

Now it was my turn to be shocked. I did not see that coming. "Okay, let me get my stuff." I turned toward the bedroom but he grabbed onto my arm.

"Oh no you don't. I bought you everything you have now. Don't even think about taking any of them with you," he said with a tsk. "You're lucky I'm not making you take off what you have on now. If it weren't for me, you would have nothing. You would be nothing."

I could not believe this. I took in a deep breath and walked toward the door. Although it felt as if everything was falling apart, I could not let Sam see that. I straightened my back and walked away confidently. I heard Sam laugh as the distance between us got farther and farther apart.

This won't be the last time you see me Sam... I can promise you that. I'll get my revenge.

I slammed the door behind me and instantly fell apart. I slid my back against the wall and tears fell down rapidly like the rain on a stormy night. Where was I going to go now? I had nowhere to go. I didn't have enough money to stay at a hotel.

I was homeless.

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