Chapter 5

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Sadie's POV

It wasn't a surprise when I saw a guy waiting by my locker. Probably needed me to do their homework or something.

"Sandie!" the person called.

How hard was it to remember 5 letters? Jeez. "It's Sadie, not Sandie," I caught myself saying in irritation. It felt good to correct him, but as I got closer, I saw who it was. Realizing my mistake, I did an internal facepalm. What did I just do? He was the Adam West. Hottest guy on campus. Don't mention the fact, he was very popular. He could make my life miserable with a snap of his finger.

"Oh man, sorry. Amanda clearly said it was Sandie. I shouldn't have trusted her," he apologized. "How about we start over?" he suggested with a smile. Before I could think of what to say, he took my silence as an okay and started to speak again.

"Sadie, nice to meet you. I'm Adam." He grabbed my left hand, brought it to his, and did a quick handshake. "Now we're even, alright?" he said, looking hopefully at me with his pretty brown eyes.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. No one had ever paid so much attention to me before. Then a thought dawned on me. He was only doing this to get on my good side so then I would do his homework. Well, it's not like I could've said 'no' in the first place.

"Sure whatever. What homework, project, or essay do you need me to do for you?" I asked half-heartedly, sticking my hand out for the instructions.

He looked at me in confusion, before he understood what I said. "No no no. That's not what I meant. I just wanted to get to know you. Let's be friends," he clarified.

Friends? With me? A loner? I couldn't believe it. No, I won't believe it. This is a hidden camera. For sure. Why else would this be happening. I ignored him and started to unlock my locker. 08-10-20, click. I quickly stuffed the things I didn't need inside before I shut the door and started to walk away as fast as I could. The bus probably left by now. I guess I'll be walking home today.

When I got near the parking lot, a black Lexus stopped beside me. Curious to see who owned such a nice car, I lowered my head and took a peek through the window. Adam.

"Want a ride, Sadie?" he asked after rolling down the window.

"No thank you," I curtly said in reply and started to walk again. I heard a door open and close with a slam before I felt someone pull me back by my wrist and force me into the car. Before I could even reach for the door, the car engine started and the vehicle began to move forward.

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned the person driving next to me.

"My house," Adam said in response.

The car ride was quiet. Adam turned on the music to try and liven things up but I still felt awkward sitting there. I recognized the song playing through the speakers. Come to My House. 2PM's newest song. I didn't know he was a kpop person.

10 minutes later, he pulled onto a driveway of a blue house. Adam pulled out the key and out of the car. I was about to do the same when the door opened. Like a gentleman, he had opened the door for me and waited for me to come out. The kind gesture created butterflies in my stomach.

Adam then led me toward the front door and I saw him unlock it from a key that was hidden beneath the 'welcome' mat. We went in and he brought me to the kitchen. I took a seat on a chair and took a look around. It was nice kitchen. It had a French door fridge. A microwave sat on the counter with a toaster next to it. The stove had a oven underneath it. He could've had all the kitchen appliances.

"Want something to drink? Soda? Water? Juice?" he asked as he looked inside his fridge.

"Anything is fine," I said.

"Alright," he said and took out 2 cans of Sprite. He opened one of them and handed it to me, "Here you go."

"Thanks," I murmured and took a gulp of the soda. I think I might've drank it down too fast cause a little later, I let out a burp. I hoped that Adam didn't hear, but his laugh told me otherwise. I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. I stared at the soda to hopefully hide myself from letting him see that I was blushing. I felt him moving closer to me so I tried to scoot back, away from him. Instead, the chair got caught on the rug, and I started to fall backwards.

"Ahhh!!" I cried. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to come. But it never came. I felt a warm arm wrap around my waist pulling me back to my feet. I opened my eyes and saw Adam staring at me with a smile on his face. His arm was still wrapped around my waist and we were standing way too close. "You should be more careful," he warned with a smirk.

I quickly pulled myself away from him. I murmured that I had to go home and ran out the door. I started to walk back in the direction we came in. A couple minutes later, I realized that I was lost. I've never been in this neighborhood and I felt that I was walking around in circles. Knowing that if I kept walking, I would just get more lost, I sat down on curb of the sidewalk and sighed.


I turned around and saw the person I had ran away from, get out of the car.

"Are you done running away now?" he teased.

"No, I'm just.. taking a break," I lied. There was no way I was going to tell him that I was lost. I was embarrassed enough already so I'll just figure it out myself. Then I got up and started walking. I heard him walk away and go back into his car. I turned around and waited for his car to drive away, but it didn't. In fact, it followed a few steps behind me. I ignored it and told myself that he would leave eventually. In order to keep the charade up, I kept walking. And walking. I heard the engine hum behind me. Was he not gone yet?

Suddenly the car was driving by my side and the window rolled down. "Come on Sadie, I'll give you a ride back home. It's getting late," he pleaded with a worried expression on his face.

I looked at the sky and noticed that the sun was already setting and it would be getting dark soon. I felt a shiver crawl down my spine. Will I really walk home in the dark? I sighed in defeat and opened the door of his car. This time I sat in the back seat in order to avoid being any closer than I had to with Adam.

After I told him my address, the car ride was a quiet one. Once in a while I saw that he would check on me through the rearview mirror. When we arrived, I said a quick 'thanks' and got out of the car as fast I could. He didn't drive away until he saw that I got inside safely.

That night, I dreamt of Adam.

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