Chapter 35

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2 years later.

Everyday for the past 2 months, I had to go to several interviews a day. Today was no different. My alarm rang promptly at 6 and I managed to get out of bed 5 minutes later. I dragged myself over to the tiny bathroom and looked at the girl in the mirror.

The girl was a redhead. Although it was not her natural hair color, it looked like she was born with it. She had bangs that covered her forehead and shoulder length hair.

That girl....was me.

I had to get complete makeover in order to hide my real identity. Sam got me a completely new wardrobe and a small apartment far away from my old house. As a final touch, he bought a pair of glasses with fake lenses. He told me to make sure to wear them 24/7. To not take them off unless I was going to bed.

When I saw how much time I wasted standing in front of the mirror thinking about the past, I quickened my pace and barely got out of the house by 6:30.

The interview time was at 7 and researched on Google maps that it would take about 30 minutes to get to there.

The yellow taxi dropped me off at a tall and white building. The large, shiny sign at the front read "Samsung Group". I had told myself many times that this would be the last place to run into them. Everyone knew that Apple and Samsung were competitors. I would be safe here, I reassured myself.

I took a deep breath and walked toward the entrance.

As I got closer, I repeated my new name to myself over and over again to make sure I wouldn't forget. I was not Sadie Taylor. The Sadie the world knew was dead. I'm now Angela Young. 2 years ago, I graduated from Cal Tech with a business degree. I had no family. I was an orphan. My parents abandoned me when I was barely at month old. The orphanage didn't know my exact birthday so they picked a random one for me. Born in April 28.

Before I knew it, I reached the front desk. I told the person my first and last name before getting a name tag with my name on it. I stuck it on and took a seat on one of the chairs nearby. I silently prayed that I would get the job. I went to so many interviews that I lost count of how many I went to.

The first month, I applied for jobs that were looking for managers but sadly, I never heard back from them after the interview. Which is why I was at Samsung now. Trying to get the secretary position.

"Angela Young?" a lady called out. She was standing by a open door and her feet was tapping impatiently against the carpet.

"Here!" I raised my hand and hurried over.

She told me to go inside before closing the door behind me.

Inside, there was 3 very important looking people sitting at a long white table. A chair sat by itself in front of them. I nervously walked over and sat down. I could feel their stares on me.

"Ms. Young?" the man in the middle asked to confirm.

I nodded.

"You have a mouth. Use it," a strict looking woman on the left said in distaste.

"I'm Sa-" I began to say before I caught myself saying the wrong name. "I'm Angela Young," I quickly corrected, hoping they would not notice my slip.

The rest of the interview went smoothly. They asked me questions about my resume. One of them was about my previous jobs in which I replied saying that I had none. I couldn't say that I worked at Apple. Nor that I graduated from Harvard. Two of my greatest accomplishments.

I left the room feeling depressed. Why would they hire someone like me? I wasn't the smart Sadie who graduated with a Master's Degree anymore. Just an orphan who somehow managed to major in business.

On the way back home, I thought about how Sam saved me.


I closed my eyes tightly shut and waited for the impact of the train to hit.

But it never came.

There was the sound of glass shattering before I felt someone lift me up.

Moments later, I heard a ear piercing crash. There was a loud screeching sound afterwards.

I waited a few minutes before slowly opening my eyes. I was no longer on the middle of the railroad. I was on the other side of it, staring at what was left of the car.

I looked around for my savior and couldn't believe it when I saw Sam.

"Did you save-" I started to ask but he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're alright Sadie!!! I thought I wouldn't make it in time," he mumbled gratefully.

Before I could ask him more about it, he carefully brought me to my feet and started to drag me away.

"What are you doing? Where are we going?" I questioned.

"We have to get you away from here as fast as possible," he explained. "If Amanda finds out you didn't die, she'll come back for you."

"But there's no body, she'll find out eventually," I pointed out.

"Don't worry about that. She's not brave enough to personally check the body. I'll take care of it so that the whole world thinks you died."

We were several feet away by now when I remembered about his betrayal. "Wait! How did you find out? Aren't you suppose to be on Amanda's side?" I accused.

He stopped pulling me and turned around. He looked at me with earnest eyes.

"It was a mistake to listen to her the first time. I swear I didn't help her this time, I promise," he swore.

"Then who did?"

He was quiet for a few seconds.

"Come on, tell me," I pleaded.

"It was Bryan," he confessed. "I don't know when, but Amanda and him started working together. I overheard them talking on the phone. That's how I found out about their plans."


I snapped myself out of my thoughts and wiped the stray tear on my cheek.

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