Chapter 9

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Sadie's POV

Was I his servant or something?? If you want to drink something, you have hands for a reason! Urghhh.. I can not believe I have to do something as low as this. He could've asked Carla (his secretary!!) at least. I wasn't getting paid to do things like this. I complained to myself as I walked back into my office to grab my wallet.

When I arrived on the ground floor, I exited the building and went to the crosswalk button. I pressed the button and waited for the signal to turn green. When it turned green, I was about to cross when a truck zoomed past me, honking loudly as it drove away. BEEEEPPPPPP!!!!! Suddenly I felt a familiar (and yet still very painful) piercing pain in my head. I held on my head and groaned. It never lasted this long before.

I realized that I was squatting in the middle of the street, holding my head (in pain) but moving just made it hurt more so I didn't move. Couldn't move. I knew that people would start staring and eventually whispering, but it just hurt so bad.

Distracted by the pain in my head, I didn't notice that someone had walked over to me. Even turning around was a pain so I didn't know who it was. I let the person lift me up onto their back and piggyback me across the street. Mystery Person brought me to the terrace area of Starbucks and let me off at one of the empty chairs.

When Mystery Person stood back up, I finally got a chance to see what Mystery Person looked like. It was a man. Dirty blonde hair. Kind smile on his face. Wearing a white t-shirt with a light blue cardigan on top it along with jeans. He looked pretty cute. I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Thank you for doing that."

"No problem, but what happened out there?" A concerned expression was etched over his face.

"My head just started hurting. Happens once in a while. I had a car accident a few years ago and I guess the sound of the truck honking brought back some memories." I explained.

"Is it better now?" He brought one of his hands over to my head and felt my forehead as if he was checking for a fever.

"Yeah I'm fine now. Thanks again. Let me treat you to a drink." I suggested.

"Ooh free drink! That would be great," he said with a smirk.

I got up and went inside Starbucks and lined up to order. I facepalmed myself when I realized I never asked him what he wanted to drink. I guess I'll have to go back... but that would be super embarrassing. He interrupted my thoughts when he suddenly appeared next to me.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you what I wanted to drink," he smiled. "Green tea frap please."

"Okay. What size do you want?" I asked with a smile.

"Any size would be great."

When it was my turn to order, he waited behind me as I told the cashier lady what I wanted. After I paid, I got the receipt and waited by the pickup area for my drinks.

"Sooo.. what's your name?"

"Samuel Jones at your service," he chuckled. "But you can call me Sam." He held out his hand for a handshake. I held mine out and added. "I'm Sadie. Sadie Taylor." We did a quick handshake and waited for our drinks in silence.

With our own drinks in hand, he walked me across the street (he said just in case my head starts to hurt again) and we stopped in front of the entrance of Apple.

"Well here we are. Guess we have to say goodbye now." Sam said, putting a frown on his face.

"Haha yeah it was fun. Let's meet again sometime. This time you treat me to a drink." I smirked.

"Alright alright whatever you say, your highness."

We exchanged phone numbers and he didn't leave until he saw that I had walked inside the building.

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