Chapter 4

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"Attention all passengers," the bus driver spoke through a speaker, her words coming out with a little static. "We will be arriving in Baltimore in approximately fifteen minutes. Please wait until the bus has come to a complete stop to get up and gather your belongings from the top compartment."

The bus driver continued with instructions for those who were getting back on--those going straight to Richmond, VA. Otherwise, everyone else had crystal clear instructions on what gate to go to.

I sighed, closing The Devil's Teardrop and winding up my headphones. I set my iPod inside my messenger bag as well as my book. Glancing at the person next to me, I saw that Louis didn't even stir for the bus driver's announcement. He was still passed out in the same position he was in when I woke up.

My hand reached out towards him and I shook him gently. "Hey," I whispered, shaking him again when he didn't stir. "Hey, Louis, you need to wake up. We're almost in Baltimore."

I had to shake him one more time before he stirred, blinking rapidly in confusion. His eyes flickered to me for a second before he realized I was the one waking him up. Louis sat up, stretching his limbs the best he could.

"Sorry, what was it you said?" he asked, his voice raspy and thick with sleep.

A light smile appeared on my face. "We're changing bus drivers and stopping in Baltimore in fifteen minutes. You were asleep and I just thought I should wake you. I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "No, no. Thank you, I appreciate it."

I forced myself to look away. I fished out my phone to see if Tammy had responded to me again--or if my aunt messaged me.

There were two messages, one from each.

Tammy: yes, babe, that's lovely. I miss your face so much, oh gosh.

I laughed under my breathe at her message. No doubt she rolled her eyes at my picture.

Me: I miss your's too. In Baltimore soon, I'll call you when I get there okay?

My phone buzzed just as soon as I'd left our thread of messages.

Tammy: of course. Talk to you soon x

I closed out of her message and went straight to Aunt Daphne's.

Aunt Daphne: Everything at home is good for now. Nothing to worry for now.

For now. My throat closed up and I forced myself to take in deep breaths. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. I repeated the process for a minute until my heart calmed down and I convinced myself that my Aunt Daphne would be all right for a couple days until I got there. She survived this long, didn't she?

I looked back down at the message from my aunt, my fingers hovering over the keyboard.

She'll be okay. Everything will be fine.

Me: Okay, Auntie. Be home soon. x

I will. I'll be home soon, Auntie. I promise.


omfg i saw the picture and i'm like, oH MY GOD HE'S GORGEOUS and i had to attach it to a chapter lmfao

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