Chapter 5

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Like the driver promised, it was fifteen minutes until she pulled up to Baltimore's Greyhound bus station. Everyone gathered their belongings, though some of the passengers who were planning to stay on the bus, kept their belongings in the top compartment. I wasn't one of them.

Louis waited until almost everyone had gone to get out of the seat and grab his bag from the top compartment. I mimicked his actions as soon as I was free to leave. I stepped down the bus steps as careful as I could and proceeded to snatch my bag from the bottom compartment, following the small group of people from the bus to the open doors in front of the bus.

A rush of warm air had me relaxed within moments, a small sigh passing off my lips. It was such a nice feeling compared to the freezing air conditioning on the bus--those really did work, no doubt in that.

The first thing my eyes landed on was a vending machine. I was hungry and the bus hadn't stopped for food at all. Dragging my suitcase and bag with me, I nearly jogged towards the vending machine, hearing my stomach grumble at the sight of food. I pulled my wallet out from the messenger bag strapped over my shoulder and got enough money for two bags of Chili flavored Fritos and a bottle of pop from the neighboring vending machine.

When I had everything I needed, I dragged my suitcase and dufflebag to the right gate number for same bus I was just on. Just a small group of people were standing there, waiting in line. Louis was one of them and I strolled up behind him.

There was only a half-hour layover, as said on the ticket, so I had enough time to drop my bags off and hurry to the restroom to freshen up a little and empty my bladder.

I pulled my suitcase up and dropped my dufflebag on the ground next to it. Louis turned and saw me, flashing me a polite smile.

"Do you mind watching my bags for a minute? I'll just be in the bathroom for a few minutes," I asked gently.

"Of course," he agreed, taking the suitcase by it's handle and the dufflebag by its strap and dragging it closer to him. "No one'll touch 'em."

I gave him a big smile before I disappeared into the crowd and began looking for the closest restroom available. When I spotted the blue words above two separate doors, I felt relieved almost immediately. I shoved the door open for female restroom and disappeared into the first open stall. Thankfully, the restroom was clean unlike a few restrooms I was sure to walk into on my way to LA.

By the time I was finished, I was itching to get back to my suitcase and bag so I could call Tammy and Aunt Daphne. I quickly washed my hands and then I was out.

My phone was in my hands, my fingers dialling my aunt's number, by the time I reached the correct gate number. I mouthed, "Thank you," to Louis as I pressed the phone against my ear. His response was a smile and a nod.

"Morgan, is that you?" I heard the soft croak in my aunt's voice as well as the excitement.

"Yeah, it's me, Auntie. I'm calling to let you know I'm in Baltimore," I explained. I couldn't even keep the smile off my face when I heard her voice. I was so excited to see her, I was no longer able to hide it.

"Oh, honey, what are you doing there? I thought you were getting on another bus in Richmond, Virginia?"

"I am, Auntie, I am. We're just switching bus drivers here in Baltimore. I guess they'll be doing that a few times."

"Oh, okay. We'll have you met anyone nice so far?"

My eyes shifted to Louis, who was talking to a dark-skinned guy with a white shirt and blue backpack in front of me. I thought about telling her that I met Louis but fought against it; not only was he right in front of me, but my aunt had no idea who he'd be. She really didn't pay any attention to popular music these days, only the old country songs that told powerful stories.

"Not really," I answered, deciding that I'd tell her at home. In a much quieter voice, I added, "No one you'd know, anyway."

I conversed with my auntie for a few more minutes before we ended the call and I dialed up Tammy's number.

"Best friend!" she screeched into the phone after it rang three times.

I grimaced, yanking the phone away from my ear while wincing painfully. I rubbed my ear for a moment before pressing it back against my cheek.

"Jesus Christ, Tammy," I scowled despite the fact she couldn't see me. "Do you have to screech like that? I swear, one of these days you're gonna make me go deaf."

She collapsed into a fit of giggles. "I'm so not sorry. What was the first three hours like?" Tammy didn't even waste time being nosy about the trip and inquiring the most juicy details.

"It was tiring and cold. Oh, and my bottom seriously hurts," I said honestly.

My best friend outright laughed. "Well doesn't that suck for you. You have, what, 37 hours to go before you're in LA."

I frowned. "Shut up before I hang up on you."

She laughed again, but changed the subject to some club we were going to go to once I get to LA. Apparently, it was some new hip club that was getting really popular and Tammy wanted to try it out with me.

I, of course, couldn't deny her.

"Yeah, sure. Friday night, we'll go."

Tammy squealed. "Yay! I love you so much, Morgan!"

My heart soared hearing how happy my best friend sounded. Hearing her laugh and squeal again felt like home. The expression on my face softened as I told her I loved her back and that I'd have to go because I'd get back on the bus soon. She let me leave after I promised I'd call her in Richmond.

I hung up the phone, shoving it into my messenger bag, and grabbed my suitcase and dufflebag. Louis barely noticed because he was deep in conversation with the guy in front of him. The same one with the white shirt and blue backpack.

I sighed. Thirty-seven hours until I was in LA again. Just thirty-seven hours. I can hang in until then.

Actually, this entire story was a dream I had (usually, my dreams are inspiration for the stories I write) and Louis was talking to an african-american guy with a white shirt and blue backpack in the dream. Idk, I just thought I'd tell you that. Nice information, I guess. Hope you liked the chapter! :) 

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