Chapter 8

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Double update because I really wanted to get this chapter out. Lol (it's my favorite so far xD)

An hour after I finished my bottle of soda, my bladder was screaming at me to go to the bathroom. Thankfully, there was a bathroom on the bus. I checked every now and then to make sure no one was using it, and when I was sure, I got up. I used the seats for balance as I moved towards the back and past Louis' seat. Moving my hair so it made a curtain between my face and Louis' view, I quickly moved past and successfully made it to the bathroom.

It was gross, as any portable bathroom would be, but I didn't have a choice--soil my pants or sit an inch above a nasty, germ-infested toilet seat for five seconds. I relieved my bladder and used the small hand-sanitizer hanging up on the wall.

A few times while I was inside the bathroom, the bus was bouncy and gone over a few bumps, but it was nothing to lose my balance over so I didn't think much of it. I fixed my hair real quick and then got the hell out of the bathroom. It stunk way too much.

Again, I used the seats for balance. But luck wasn't on my side today, because just as I passed Louis' seat, the bus went over a large bump. I lost my footing and went tumbling into his seat. Or more correctly, his lap.

My face felt scorching hot. No doubt I looked like a ripe tomato, ready for the picking. The most horrible thing out of the entire situation was that my mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.

"I-I-I... Uh... Um..." I stammered against my words.

Louis raised his eyebrows, his gaze falling on me.

"Shit," profanities flew from my mouth. "I'm so sorry, gosh. I-I'll just be getting up. I'm sorry. I'm so clumsy. I'll leave you be. I'm sorry."

With the humiliation performance over with, I grabbed the sides of the seats and flew out of his seat. I ducked my head, using a curtain of my own hair to hide how red my face had become.

In seconds I was in my seat again, hiding my face in my hands.

I just laid there, gaping at him! I chastised myself. What the hell is wrong with me? Oh, my God!

I whimpered quietly into my hands, wishing I was anywhere but the bus. I knew that sometimes I had a tendency to put myself into embarrassing situations, but nothing like this!

When my face wasn't so hot and red anymore, I pulled out my phone and brought up Tammy's name to text her.

Me: Oh. My. God. Tammy I just did the most embarrassing thing!!

Tammy: Spill the beans, girl. SPILL.

Me: I had to pee, so I got up to use the bathroom. On the way back the bus went over a bump and I lost my footing and fell into a cute guy's lap. Holy shit, I'm so embarrassed.

Tammy: Oh shit, Morgan! What did you do?!

Me: Of course I ran like a chicken. Do you expect me to sit there on his lap and talk to him about the weather?

Tammy: Lol, no. Cos like you said -- you're a chicken. Baaaahk, ba-ba-baaaaahk.

Me: Mooooo.


I laughed a little louder than I should have at Tammy's text but I didn't care. She was doing a wonderful job of getting my mind off Louis.

Me: Lmao, maybe. You love me anyway :*

Tammy: Piggy. Oink oink.

Me: But piggies are cute! They're so pink and hug-able and adorable. Sometimes. When they're not smelly and covered in mud.

Tammy: Fine, you're a pig covered in mud.

Me: Then you're an adorable baby pink you just want to squeeze!

Tammy: Are you trying to get on my good side?

Me: Maybe. Is it working?

Tammy: ...yes.

Me: HA! Yes!

Me: Anyway, gotta go. I want to read my book and forget about me being on a bus. Talk to you later, best friend! Love you!

I turned my phone off and shoved it inside my bag before pulling out my book again. I was nearing half-way and was thinking that I was going to finish it by the time this trip was over. Biting my lip, I realized I would probably have to read it twice, maybe three times, over the remainder of the trip.

I definitely should have bought a second or third book before going on the bus.

Regardless, I flipped open the pages and began to fall in love with the book once again. This book was amazing, from the way the author wrote and his writing style to how realistic he made it. There really was nothing else like this book and I loved it to pieces.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to read it a few more times on this trip.

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