Chapter 16

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"Say cheese!" Louis said, catching my attention.


My head snapped up, eyebrows furrowing down in confusion, as Louis leaned and in snapped a picture. Frowning, I leaned over to glance at the picture on Louis' phone. He chuckled as I scoffed.

I was unfocused and confused, my eyes searching for something in Louis' words. Louis, on the other hand, was grinning big enough to see his white teeth and the crinkles by his eyes.

"That's a terrible picture," I pointed out, still frowning.

"Well, I like it," he told me, flicking back to the camera.

He held out his phone and leaned in towards me. I cocked my head just a little towards him, enough that would be a cute pose, and flashed a grin. He snapped a picture. This time, he didn't glance at the picture we took. He stuck his tongue out, crossing his eyes, while I sucked in my cheeks and made a sucking noise, attempting a fishy-face. I hoped I didn't look half-stupid making it. The picture-frenzy went on for a couple minutes. There was one where we were laughing at ourselves while he took a picture - and it turned out to be my favorite out of all of the pictures we took - and another where he kissed my blazing red cheek.

Our heads were leaning towards each other as Louis positioned the phone between the two of us so we could see the pictures.

"That one's my favorite," he pointed to the one where we made stupid faces at the camera.

I chuckled. "It's cute, though I really like this one." I pointed to one where Louis licked my cheek just as captured the picture. My face was scrunched up in disgust. Although it was rather gross, the picture made me laugh a lot.

"Give me your number, I'll send these to you," he said casually.

I froze.

Louis wants my number? For a moment, I couldn't comprehend it, that he wanted my number. Possibly, after this day was over, we'd stay in touch. We'd become really good friends. Possibly... It was a long-shot though. Louis was in a popular band after all, and must be busy doing his job.

I recited it by heart, trying to keep my voice from shaking to hide how nervous I'd become, and opened my phone to see at least five messages come in from an unknown number with pictures attached. I saved it under "Louis T." and saved the pictures to my phone.

Then, I saw a message from Tammy.

Tammy: Anything new?

I messaged her quickly before closing my phone.

Me: Other than being hungry wanting a real meal instead of vending machine food and fast food and a decent bed to sleep in... nope, nothing

"So, what's that book you're always reading?" Louis asked, nodding down to the white, hardbook cover book in my lap. "I've seen a few times in your lap, but I never saw the title."

"The Devil's Teardrop," I answered, holding it up for him to see the silver lettering on the side. "I bought it at a thrift shop without the paper cover and without much knowledge of what it was about."

"Which is...?"

"It's a suspense-crime novel. The Devil's Teardrop is about this father of two children who's also this document examiner, helping the FBI in this huge manhunt for a guy named The Digger. Trust me, it's really good," I explained, trying to give him the summary without giving away any of the details in the book. If he ever decided to read the book, I wouldn't want to spoil the ending for him.

He nodded his head appreciatively. "It sounds like it's worth a read. Maybe I'll pick it up when I have the time."

I grinned. "Great."

The bus wasn't that full of people after a couple stops. I recognized more than one person from the ride to Mississippi and even one other person before that. But generally, people were quiet and keeping to themselves. It was a calm bus ride that I was enjoying fully, with music playing quietly in my headphones while I gazed out the window.

It was nice watching the scenery pass us by, even though we mainly kept to the freeway. Regardless, it was nice seeing what other states looked like.

My phone buzzed again sometime later.

Tammy: What time  are you getting here?

Me: Depends, I guess, I don't know. I'll call you when we're close. Should be in Texas, I think, around one in the afternoon, maybe after that. Like I said, it depends

Tammy: All right, well, I'll make you some lasagna and bring some with me when I pick you up. Lol,

Though I knew my best friend meant well, I scowled at her text.

Me: Don't you mean your mom will cook that lasagna? Don't forget, I know you can't cook worth a damn. You ruined boiling water once, Tammy.

Tammy: Oh, same thing. Regardless you'll be getting food when you arrive in LA.

I couldn't help but grin at her message.

Me: Awh, thank you so much!! This is why you're my best friend. You give me food.

Tammy: Is that the only reasons we're best friends? Shame on you!

I snorted, quite loudly, earning a questioning gaze from Louis. Smiling sheepishly, I said, "Sorry, I'm texting a friend of mine. She's funny."

Me: You've figured me out! Please continue to feed me! I'll be your friend forever!

Tammy: Oh, fine, I suppoooose I'll feed you forever. But in return, you must give me the best advice you can muster. And you must allow me to drag you to clubs and to that little pet store with the cute saint bernard puppies so I can cry over them because we all know I'd never be able to take care of one.

Me: Okay, deal! Best friends forever!!

After a while, Tammy stopped replying and I figured something else must have caught her attention. I shoved my phone into my pocket and continued gazing out of the window.

I have the book, The Devil's Teardrop (which why it's the only book I really put into this fanfic), and I'm not gonna lie, after the first twenty or so pages, I got pissed off about this guy's ex-wife and shut it. I didn't even pick it up for a weeks because that ex-wife pissed me off so much, oh my god. But in general, I really recommend reading it. It's a great suspense-crime novel.

PS wow you guys commented, 'update' a lot.

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