Chapter 9

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Around five, we stopped at a local McDonald's for dinner. I was so glad. For the last half hour, my stomach has been practically yelling at me for food. For an organ, it was quite demanding. I snatched my wallet, but left everything else on bus. Three-quarters of the people on the bus got off, even if it was for a smoke break, to stretch their limbs or get food.

I quickly walked towards the McDonald's, images of greasy burgers and salty fries filling my mind. My stomach grumbled again. I was so tempted to sprint into the McDonald's, but fortunately, I didn't want to look bad.

There was a small group of people walking into McDonald's, and Louis was one of them. He was by his friend, the one he's been talking to. Quickly, I averted my eyes as I walked into the restaurant. It smelled like grease, when I inhaled deeply. I loved the smell.

I stepped up in line and waited patiently, not bothering to glance up at the menu. I knew, before I even stepped into the restaurant, what I wanted.

"Hi, how can I help you?" the McDonald's worker plastered a fake-as-hell smile on her face.

"Can I get two Big Mac meals, but instead of two sodas, can I instead get a soda and a strawberry-banana smoothie?" I asked, right away. "Oh, and medium fries, please."

"Sure thing. That'll be $11.57, ma'am."

I handed the cashier a ten and a five.

The cashier handed me back my change and a receipt. "Three dollars and forty three cents is your change. Your order will be right up."

As quick as I could, I stepped to the side to let other people order. While I waited, I put the money into my wallet and tried to focus on something that would pass the time away. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to find something before someone stepped next to me and started speaking.

"You like food, huh?" Louis said, grinning.

I smiled sheepishly, blushing as I spoke. "Yeah, I was gifted with an appetite."

If I wanted to feel embarrassed, I would have by then. But I couldn't find it in me to be embarrassed about eating food, especially in front of Louis. To begin with, I didn't eat much in the past few days. Add up the fact we've barely stopped today, and I was starving. A tiny bag of chili-flavored Fritos and a bottle of coke weren't going to do anything to my hunger. Subside it, if anything.

He chuckled. "Thank God. It's such a nice change to know that some girls will have Big Macs and pizza without worrying about their weight."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess I have a high metabolism. No matter what I eat, it really doesn't effect my weight. Now my best friend Tammy on the other hand... She eats a crumb of cake and gains a pound."

He laughed. With the crinkles by his eyes, how his eyes seemed to sparkle, and his toothy grin, my heart stumbled and skipped a beat. I wasn't sure how someone's smile and laugh could do that to my heart, but it happened.

"She must be jealous of you, then," he said.

I shrugged. "She got over it in high school."

It was true. Before our big spat, food was one of the things Tammy ragged on about between us. Although she was joking about all the time, I knew it bothered her that she was gaining all this weight while I was gaining none. If I could gain weight, I would gain enough to have a cute, pudgy tummy.

When Tammy and I became friends again, the food and weight subject was never an issue again. With our friendship on the line, little things like that didn't seem so important anymore. It just became a little quirk of our friendship.

"How long have you been friends, if you don't mind me asking?" Louis inquired.

"Since diapers, basically," I answered. "I don't even know how we became friends so early in life, to be honest. Tammy's just been in my life since the start and that's all I know."

He opened his mouth to answer, but a cashier called out my order.

"Two big mac orders with a strawberry-banana smoothie!"

I flashed him a shy grin. "That's me."

I left Louis' side to get up to the counter and get my to-go meal. Peeking inside the white, McDonald's bag I saw two burger boxes and a whole lot of fries. Next to the bag was my strawberry-banana smoothie and a medium soda cup.

Flashing the cashier a polite smile, I said thank you and took my order. As I turned around, I realized Louis wasn't in the same spot. I only had to turn my head just a fraction of an inch to see he was in line ordering. Turning on my heels, I walked towards the soda machines and filled my cup with Coca-Cola and ice, grabbed a couple straws and a handful of napkins in case I made a mess of myself.

By the time I walked past the queue, Louis had finished ordering. Seeing me, he turned his body to talk to me again, but I only flashed him a small smile.

"I'm starving. I'm going to go back to the bus. See you there?"

He nodded his head, a small smile on his face.

With my food and drinks in hand, I walked back to the bus after managing to open the two doors with no hands.

I literally can't with this boy. His smile drives me insane, oh my god. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, lovelies. <3 

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