Chapter 21

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Finally. Finally, we were in Phoenix, AZ and getting ready to climb aboard the express bus straight to Los Angeles. In just a matter of hours, I'd be in the arms of my best friend and Aunt, crying my eyes out no doubt.

I had to use the bathroom, so I dragged my bags with me and freshened up while I was at it. After my bladder was relieved, I stood in front of the mirror, analyzing myself. My onyx-colored hair was disheveled and a mess as it brushed a few inches below my shoulders. My pale, slate-gray eyes were half-lidded with dark circles underneath. It was obvious this bus trip was exhausting me. I hadn't slept in a proper bed for two days, nor had a hot meal for at least four days.

Homesickness was getting stronger by the minute. The longer I was on the bus, the longer I wanted to be home, curled up with a blanket on the couch next to my aunt watching Wheel of Fortune.

Sighing, I bent over the sink and rinsed my face off with cold water and patted it dry with the thin, useless brown paper towels in the dispenser. I looked a little more awake, my eyes wider. I took a brush through my black hair until I was satisfied with it and proceeded to stash it away when I was done.

But before I left the bathroom, I felt a little self-conscious. I used deodorant and removed Louis' sweater before spritzing myself with perfume. Feeling better, I left the bathroom and sat beside Louis on the bench.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out, reading the text I received from Tammy.

Tammy: Giiiiiirl, I have this song stuck in my head. Help please

Me: Just curious, but what song?

Tammy: Shawn Mendes – Stitches

Me: Listen to Cotton Eyed Joe, then. You'll feel better about having Stitches being stuck in your head.

Tammy: Yeah, no thanks. It happened once. Never again.

I snorted quietly, laughing under my breath, as I read her text.

Louis, being curious, asked what I was laughing at. I showed him the texts. The corners of his mouth lifted into a grin.

"She seems funny," he commented.

I nodded, a small smile surfacing. "She can be, when she really wants to be."

The smile stayed on his lips as he glanced once more at the text messages before he sat back against the seat and started talking about one of the worst songs he's ever had stuck in his head. I listened to him talk, watching as his hands moved animatedly, his blue eyes bright. A few times he brushed his brown hair away, his sleeve lowering until I saw splashes of ink on his skin.

I stared, curiously, for a moment before I forced my gaze back on his face. He continued talking.

Eventually someone began calling out our bus number and we lined up accordingly to the person in the bright, neon yellow vest. It wasn't long before the bus arrived and we were allowed to start moving along, putting our suitcases aside the bus so another yellow-vested-employee could stash them in the bottom compartment.

And like almost every other bus ride, Louis and I paired up together. This time, he got the window seat and I got the outside seat. It wasn't long before the bus driver was able to drive away from the Greyhound bus station and towards the freeway.

I sighed, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the back of my seat. "Next time, I'm flying."

Louis chuckled at the way my voice sounded. "Flying isn't so bad. There's the taking off part and landing, but that's the only bad part."

One eye peeked open to look at him. "Yeah, sure. Pressure, ears popping... which can be avoided by chewing gum. But there's the problem of sitting by unfortunate people or getting your luggage lost."

"There's always first class," he grinned from ear to ear.

I sat up straight, frowning. "Right, right. There's one problem, though."

"What's that?"

"I'm poor."

"Then the next time you go on a flight, let me know. I'll pay."

I snorted, dissolving into a fit of giggles. They were muted when I covered my face with my hands. When the laughter faded, I looked up at Louis who was staring down at me in confusion. My eyebrows pulled together.

"What?" I asked.

"I wasn't joking, you know," he said. "I really will pay for your plane ticket, first class, if you call me. I can afford it. It won't hurt my bank account."

Some emotion, unknown to me, began to fill my heart. My teeth clamped down on my bottom lip. I shook my head, eyes on the pattern of my jeans. Suddenly I was unable to meet his gaze, unable to see those blue eyes again.

"It's fine, Louis," I told him gently. "I really don't mind buying my own plane ticket. Paying whatever price I pay is a lot better than endless bus rides across the country. Honestly, it's fine."

It was a few silent moments and I worried that I hurt his feelings. I glanced up at Louis only to see he was staring down at me with a soft expression. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

He murmured, "Morgan, I will eventually buy you a plane ticket. Whether it's to visit me or not, I will end up paying for it."

A blush spread across my cheeks and I couldn't fight back the smile rising to the surface.

my best friend kind of pointed out something really, really important. she said it'd take more than just two days traveling from one coast to the other and she's most likely right so can we just pretend that it takes two days? squish all that time into two days because this is a fanfic and we get things wrong all the time anyway so who cares

ps this fic is almost done. maybe two more chapters and it'll be finished

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