Chapter 10

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bc i'm a shithead and don't like to focus on one book at a time, here's an update. enjoy x

We were a few hours late for Richmond, VA. We were supposed to be there earlier in the day, but traffic was, as always, a bitch. So around six the bus was pulled up to the Greyhound bus station in Richmond. We were all rushed off the bus and grabbed our suitcases as fast as we could.

Those who were going on the bus to Atlanta, Georgia were allowed on the bus without even entering the building. Fortunately, the bus was half-full so I easily found a seat by the window. I settled into my seat quickly and pulled out the food I hadn't eaten from McDonald's. The smoothie was finished first, but I had some of the soda left at least.

I was popping cold fries into my mouth when Louis took the seat next to me. He flashed me a smile.

"Hope you don't mind," he said as he fished out a large, cobalt blue fleece blanket. I shook my head, smiling. "Good, because there weren't many seats open.

I shoved three fries into my mouth, chewing slowly.

Soon, everyone was settled in the bus and the driver, an older man in his fifties, began to drive away from the bus station. He began talking over the speakers, his voice filling the bus. He had until midnight to get us to Atlanta, Georgia (and other stops), so I wasn't that surprised he came off surly and annoyed.

Eventually, he finished the speech I've heard twice before and dimmed the lights on the bus. The bus quieted down a bit as some people brought out their own blankets and snuggled into the uncomfortable seats the best they could.

Silently, I swore once I realized I didn't bring a blanket at all.

Well, I'm sure it won't get that cold on the bus... I thought.


Oh, I was wrong.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, so wrong.

It seems I may have underestimated the power of the AC on the Greyhound buses. At first, it was suitable and it wasn't so bad. But an hour into the ride, I was trying my hardest not to shiver and shake while Louis was beside me.

Stupid me! I just had to be useless and forget a blanket. I didn't even think about whether or not it would be cold inside the buses. I just decided to wear a short-sleeved shirt and jeans because it was still summer out. Pathetic.

Biting down on my tongue hard to keep my teeth from chattering, I folded my arms tightly across my chest and hope that would create some warmth. Unfortunately, it didn't do much and my body started shaking from the cold.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked.

He's asked this a couple times already and I'd said no because of the embarrassment I'd feel if I told him I forgot a sweater and a blanket. However, I was freezing my tiny butt off and I didn't care anymore.

I shook my head. The moment I released my tongue from the grip on my teeth, they started to chatter. "N-no, I'm cold. I forgot a blanket and sweatshirt to wear."

And despite everything, my cheeks darkened in embarrassment. I turned my head slightly so my hair fell around my cheeks and became a shield between Louis and I. But then, after a moment, I heard the sound of fabric rubbing against itself and the sound of a zipper.

I peeked through the curtain of my hair to see Louis taking off his sweater. My cheeks flamed a bright pink and my eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" I asked, panicking.

"Lending you my sweater," he said, raising an eyebrow. He spoke as if it was the most obvious answer in the world besides the answer to one plus one.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "No, no, no, it's okay! I'm fine."

He narrowed his eyes at me, calculating and almost in scrutiny. "You're shivering, Morgan. An idiot would know you're freezing your ass off. Now just take the sweatshirt."

Louis shoved the gray, zip-up sweater towards me. I wanted the sweatshirt so badly, because what he said was true-I was freezing my little body off and needed some warmth. If I refused his sweater, I'd probably spend the whole night shivering and wishing I'd have taken it.

Suffer... or be nice and warm...

I took the sweatshirt in silence and zipped it up to my neck. I almost considered flipping the hood, but I decided against it. Fighting to keep a satisfied sigh from escaping my lips and leaned back into the seat, glancing at Louis.

"Thank you," I murmured quietly.

He grinned, pulling his blue blanket up to his chin and closed his eyes. I felt the drowsiness creep up on me. Instead of fighting it, I flipped the hood up and let my fall on my shoulder. I slid lower into the seat and felt myself falling asleep quicker than I thought I would sitting in uncomfortable leather bus seats.

My last thought before I passed out was how warm I felt in Louis' sweater and the smell of his cologne still on it.

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