Chapter 17

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Somewhere in Louisiana, the bus-driver called out that we were taking a ten to fifteen minute break so people could get out, move around or take a smoke break. Louis and I used this chance to get off the bus and move around some - my behind and legs were aching from not standing up or moving in the few hours we've been on this particular bus.

"Ah, fuck," I groaned as I stepped down the bus steps, feeling my bottom ache. "My butt's going to fall off by the time we get to LA. I know it is."

Louis, who was right behind me, laughed outright. "I think mine already did."

We made our way a few feet away from the cloud of smoke and the smokers, stretching our aching limbs as we did so. For a couple minutes, all we did was stretch out our sore muscles until we were no longer hurting.

For a minute, it was simple, casual conversation until an expression I couldn't name crossed Louis' face. Then he asked, "Can I ask you about your aunt?"

Uneasiness crawled up my spine at the mention of her. I stiffened, raising my chin just slightly. The entire trip I didn't want to think about what was waiting for me in Los Angeles, the oncoming pain and heartache. In fact, I wanted to forget it and push it into the very back of my brain where I wouldn't think of it until the moment I walked through the doors of the Los Angeles, Greyhound Bus Station. But, here Louis was asking about her.

My eyes fell from his face, almost glaring at the cemented sidewalk.

"She..." my throat tightened and my voice cracked when I spoke. So I cleared it, which didn't do much. "My aunt is fairly old but when I left for New York, she was in good condition for her age. Just a few aching joints and a bad knee, nothing that stopped my head-strong aunt. But then..."

My eyes rose to meet his blue eyes and that's when I felt my heart stumble in its steady rhythm and the ache in it double. He was frowning, looking clearly concerned, and almost as if he himself were in pain. Tears blurred my vision. Immediately, my eyes found the cemented sidewalk again.

I could only whisper the next words. "She has dementia. She called Tammy last week, wondering where she was at. She was in her night-gown and was a few streets away from her home. She..."

I couldn't finish the words anymore. A sob escaped my throat and immediately, I covered my face with my hands so Louis wouldn't see me break down. My shoulders shook violently and then suddenly, I felt warm arms wrap around me and pull me in for a warm embrace.

Though I was shocked for a second, my sobs and tears didn't stop. I buried my face into the crook of his neck as my fingers clutched onto his dark t-shirt.

After holding in and pushing all of my emotions back, everything came rushing forward and I couldn't get a good handle on my emotions for a few minutes. Eventually, the tears slowed and I pulled away, wiping away at my wet cheeks with the back of my hands. I sucked in a huge breath to calm myself down before I was able to speak.

"Sorry about that," I mumbled, my cheeks warming slightly.

"Hey, it's okay," he said softly, putting a hand on my shoulder. "You love her a lot, I think I understand."

I looked up at him then, looking him straight in the eyes. His eyes were wide and blue, but they also held sorrow and pity. He didn't understand, he just felt sorry. I turned my head away, not saying anything. He wouldn't understand that I'd have to be there to take care of my aunt all the time, to prevent her from doing things like she did last week. He didn't understand at all.

"I know. Thank you, though."

Before he could say anything else, the bus driver called everyone on board, saving Louis from saying anything. Without saying anything, I brushed passed him and stood behind a small line of people climbing back onto the bus. All I wanted right now was sleep. Just a little bit of sleep to make this pain go away.

ok sorry it's super sad in this chapter but there's gonna be a sequel and yeah, i'm really excited 

also, i have my laptop so more updates, yay!!

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