Chapter 22

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My book, "The Devil's Teardrop" had captured Louis' attention again so I pulled it out and handed it to him so he could read it. And while his attention was on something else, I pulled out my earbuds and my phone. I played my music on shuffle and turned it up enough so I wouldn't hear anything around me. Flipping the hood on, I leaned back in the seat and rested my head against Louis' shoulder, my eyes closing.

Slowly, I drifted into a comfortable dream....

Visions played through my head, ones that didn't make sense. Blue backpacks, Auntie Daphne awaiting for me in a long, never-ending hallway, Tammy's manicured hand placed softly on Louis' shoulder... One image after another, playing too fast for me to make out what else was happening.

I was awoken abruptly out of the dream, sitting straight forward as a gasp escaped my mouth. The earbuds were ripped from my ears, entangled in the armrest beside me. I glanced around me.

Louis' head was resting on the cold window, his jaw slack and mouth open wide. His breathing was soft and quiet, the only noise coming from him. The book he was reading was propped open in his lap.

Outside, it was dark. We weren't on the freeway, but a highway instead. There was barely any vehicles around us, just the occasional car passing us by. I glanced around at the other passengers on the bus. Despite the bus being nearly full, it was dead quiet. Almost everyone was asleep or flipping through their phone – their phone light was a little bright in the dark, unlit bus.

Sighing, I leaned forward and rubbed my face tiredly.

Picking up my phone, I untangled the earbuds from the arm rest and folded them up and set them in my purse. I opened my phone, wincing when the phone brightness nearly blinded me, and hurriedly turned down the brightness until it was at a comfortable level. Then, I went through my messages.

There was two. One from Tammy and another from Louis.

Tammy: Auntie Daphne can't come pick you up at the airport because it's late, but I'll be there! With a container of lasagna as promised. So soon!! Can't wait to see your gorgeous face, Morgan :)

The smile on my face was automatic as soon as I read my best friend's message. Of course she had been serious about the lasagna. I'd half-expected her to be joking, but no. She was the sweetest and most caring friend when given the chance. My stomach rumbled at the thought of having a hot, home-cooked meal.

My fingers flew across my keyboard.

Me: God that sounds so good right now. I knooow! I can't wait to see you either, Tams :)

Then, I went to open Louis' message. My eyebrows pulled down in confusion. Why would he even send me a message? He was sitting right next to me.

Louis: You were snoring while you were sleeping. But it was cute. Thought I'd let you know :)

My cheeks became hot and turned a bright, rosey red. I wrinkled my nose in distaste. Though I knew that I snored, I doubt that snoring would ever become a problem when I bought a ticket to Los Angeles. But, I was wrong.

Closing out of my messages and shoving my phone into my purse, I leaned back against the seat and lowered myself until my knees were comfortably pressing against the back of the seat in front of me.

In just a matter of time, I'd be in Los Angeles beside my best friend and heading home to see Aunt Daphne. That also meant saying goodbye to Louis. There wouldn't be anymore of this him-and-I thing. He would have to go back to his busy, famous lifestyle. There wouldn't be any room for me, I was sure.

Plus, I would be busy taking care of Auntie Daphne. I couldn't be in love with someone and take care of someone who needed my full attention. Maybe... maybe it would be better if Louis and I went our separate ways after this. Just hand his sweatshirt back, give him a small smile and walk away...

My heart constricted in response and my frown deepened. I had to say goodbye. It was better for the both of us if I did.

Sighing, I closed my eyes.

My decision was made.

For the longest time, I kept my eyes closed while I tried to think of anything but the person sitting next to me. One of the things I did to pass the time was make a mental list of all the books I wanted to get when I had the spare money. I owned very few books and wanted to expand and fill up my shelves.

It worked, better than I hoped.

I blinked in surprise when the bus lights came on, the bus driver's voice following shortly. I sat up, confused, rubbing my eyes, when the realization hit me. My eyes glanced out the windows to see city lights.

We were in Los Angeles.

And my heart plummeted into my stomach.


At least two more chapters... and then I focus on my other books before posting the sequel. :) 

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