Chapter 13

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There was a two hour layover in Atlanta, Georgia. The bus station there wasn't as nearly big as the ones I've been inside before. It was a simple square building with two public bathrooms, an area for vending machines and pay phones, a waiting area, and the desk area for tickets and other related information.

It was quite full with most of the seats taken and cramped, so I decided to drag my suitcase and bag with me towards the vending machines. Louis decided to hang out with me there.

"Will you watch my things?" I asked him quietly, glancing toward the bathrooms. I tried not to tap my feet in impatience, but I really needed the ladies' restroom. "I have to use the bathroom."

"Oh, of course," he grinned. He made it a point to drag my things by him and put a protective arm around them both.

After sending him a grateful smile, I rushed towards the bathroom, weaving in between the large crowd of people.

I was in the small, two-stall bathroom and did what I had to do. I was relieved when I reached the sink, washing my hands quite thoroughly.

I glanced up to look at the person in the mirror. The light-brown hair that was originally in a tight bun this morning had now transformed into a disheveled hair-style with the bun hanging low on my shoulder. Green eyes were drooping low, dark circles forming underneath while my shoulders sagged. And not to mention, my outfit was a mess.

Only managing a few hours of sleep tonight was going to take a toll after the trip. I was so exhausted, I just wanted to sleep away the two-hour layover.

I sighed, straightening out my shirt and yanking up my pants before fixing the sweatshirt I borrowed from Louis. And then, I was out of the bathroom, heading towards the vending machines.

Though I shouldn't have been surprised, I was. When I got back there was a small crowd of people surrounding Louis.

In front was a small six-year old girl with pigtails who was also holding her mother's hand. From what I could see, she was almost crying and jumping with joy. Then, there were two teenaged girls - young, maybe around sixteen years old - who held hands and tried hard not to fangirl in front of him. And there was an older gentleman with darker skin and a hat atop his head.

Remembering I had a two crumpled dollar bills wedged into the pocket of my jeans, I bought a lemonade and a bag of chips from the vending machine. The lemonade was tart when I took a big swig.

I watched, half a smile on my face as Louis entertained these people. He laughed with them, signed a few things and even took a picture or two. A smile never left his face, even as they all walked away. He didn't look annoyed that they'd all walked up to him or even bothered. He seemed... happy to have met these people.

"You seem elated to have met them," I commented as I sat down on the floor next to Louis, lemonade and chips in hand. I popped open the bag.

"Oh, I am," he replied. After a second of eyeing the open bag, he reached in and stole a couple chips. I grinned, not even bothered.

I popped a few chips into my mouth, raising my eyebrow. It was the only silent response I could give him that would say, "Go on, explain."

"I really like meeting people who enjoy my music or people who know others that like my music. It's nice meeting them, talking to them if I can. Just by talking to them or even saying hi can make their whole day. If I can do that at least, making someone else happy, then I'm happy."

I opened my mouth to respond, but instead of words, a yawn slipped out. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

"Sorry," I apologized, sheepish. "I'm tired and it's been a long day."

He just smiled at me, shrugging his shoulders like it was no big deal. "No worries. I have a timer set so we don't miss the bus. You can sleep, it's fine."

I frowned. "Are you sure?"

This time, he rolled his eyes. "Of course it's fine. I'll probably just fall asleep as well."

I sent him a grateful smile, pulling up the hoodie again so it hid my view of the bus station. Even though it was loud and full of people, I had no problem craning my head to the right and falling asleep like that.

Another chapter, felt sort of inspired and like I should update. I've been totally unfocused with The Replica, so I thought as long as I was I should update "48 Hours". Hope you like the chapter, don't forget to vote and comment! Tell me what you think. :)

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