30th January (PART TWO)

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A/N: heey i'm updating this again :D This is actually my favourite fanfic (of mine)! I really enjoy writing it, so I hope you enjoy reading :D

I put this on hold but it's not anymore. so I'll update this week again for sure!

This is my first time writing something like this, so I hope it makes sense :S

"Yes, don't worry" I said trying to sound normal but failing.

"No you're not okay..." he said as he entered my bedroom and sat down in the end of my bed. He squeezed my foot and stared at me as I tried to wipe off the tears. "What happened?"

"It's nothing, Dan, seriously." I couldn't really understand why Dan was being so nice to me.

"Do you miss your family? Exchange students always cry sometimes..." he said.

I sat up and faced him properly.

"It's my birthday today" I said quietly

"Really? Why didn't you say anything?" He was surprised, of course, he didn't know about this.

"I don't really care about it being my birthday, the thing is, my parents didn't call or text me or anything" I mewled.

"Jesus. That's bad. But hey, we can still celebrate your birthday" He gave me a pity look, and tried to comfort me.

"No, Dan, there's no need to do anything... I'm just a bit sad but it's nothing serious"

"Oh shut up Phil. We're gonna go out and buy a birthday cake. Everyone needs birthday cake. Don't discuss" He stood up and was about to leave my bedroom when he said "Be ready in 5 minutes, okay? I'll wait for you downstairs"

"Okay" I said.

Dan was being really nice to me, for the first time. I couldn't understand Dan. One day he was all okay and talked to me, the other he pretended I wasn't there, and then he decided to be a nice person.

I changed as far as I could and went downstairs as he said he'd wait for me. When I got there, Mrs. Howell hugged me and wished me a happy birthday.

"Why didn't you say anything Phil? You should have, you silly boy!"

"I didn't want to bother" I said quietly.

"You wouldn't! Now you go out with Dan and try and have fun because after all it's your birthday. Go, you two"

Dan and I left the house in silence and walked a bit.

"Where are we gonna find cake now, Dan? It's late, c'mon let's go back" I said, turning around to go back to the house. He held my forearm making me squeak.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" he asked.

"No, it's fine."

"We're not going back Phil, come on... let's hang out. We don't need to buy cake then but we can have fun" he smiled.

"Okay then"

We walked in silence a bit more. He got his phone and called someone

"Hey, Jason? You up for something now?" he said. I couldn't Jason talking. "Yeah, turns out it's Phil's birthday today, so I thought we could do... something, you know? Yeah, you can bring the girls. We'll be waiting in the park then."

He ended the call. I just followed him, I had no idea where we were going.

"Where are we going Dan?" I asked.

"Jason's house. I mean, not his house. There's a park down his road and we'll just go there to talk and stuff, ok?"

"Sounds good" I lied. I knew his friends, but I wasn't /friends/ with his friends.

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