20. Kiss me hard before you go

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A/N: i'm so sorry... I'll update tomorrow(saturday night lol it's like 3am here what is my life)


"what did he say?" Dan asked. 

"Bad news babe.. I'll have to talk to him tonight" I sighed.

"what? Really? Fuck" Dan moaned, cuddling into me. 

"Yeah, but we still have 30 minutes" I kissed the top of his head. 


"will you be okay?" Dan asked and pecked my lips. I was still sore but I managed to get up and change clothes, so I could talk to the journalist. 

"Yes. Don't worry. It'll all be fine soon, babe" I hugged him. 

"I'll be watching from the window so if anything happens I'll go save you alright?" he joked. 

"Nothing is gonna happen, don't worry" I smiled. "It's actually better this way, I wouldn't relax if I had to wait until tomorrow" I added. 

"you're right, I guess. I just hope he doesn't threaten you anymore... And I hope that what you have is enough" he kissed my neck and pushed me away. "He'll be here soon" he looked outside. The guy said he'd meet me in front of the house, he was 5 minutes late though. 

"yeah... I'm anxious"  

"Don't be. You're doing what he wants, there's no reason to be scared" he hugged me again. I looked outside and saw a car parking in front of the house.  

"It's him" I said. 

"Are you sure?"  

"Yes. I am."  

I was about to open the front door, but Dan grabbed my hand and span me around, so I faced him again. He kissed me and for some seconds he kept our lips together. "I love you" he whispered. I pecked his lips twice and opened the door. 

"I love you too" I said, and then left the house, closing the door behind me.  

I walked to the car slowly. My heart was racing and my hands sweating. It wasn't a big deal, I just had to go and give him the paper I had written with the names, and some numbers and addresses I had gotten on my dad's email. 

As I stood by the car, the journalist opened the window and smiled at me. 


"hey." I said seriously. 

"Please come in" he said. I opened the door and sat down, we were the only ones in the car. "you can close the door" he said. 

"I'd rather not. Can we just finish this?" 

"No. Close the door." 

"Happy?" I asked as I closed the door. 

"Don't need to be rude." 

"Let's just end this please." 

"Show me what you've got" 

"This" I handed him the paper. He took it and read it in silence. Those 30 seconds of silence were the longest of my life. I just wanted to get the hell out of that car and go back inside, but I wouldn't do that unless he said I could. 

"Well... This is actually pretty amazing,Phil. How did you get this?" he asked. 

"Does that matter? You said I didn't need any proof. I got the thing. Can I go now?" 

"No, not really. My boss wants to talk to you." He got his phone from his pocket and called someone. 

"Why does he want to talk to me? Jesus, I already did what you wanted, can't you leave me alone now?" 

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