21. I'll be thinking about you

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A/N: lyrics of the song I mention in this chapter:

"Think about me, I'll be thinking about you

Tell me what I want to tell you

Tell me that we're together

Who said we need to be close to be together?

as in a film, everything will be fine." (Pensa em mim, by Darvin)


I was waiting in line, trying to breathe and calm down. That wasn’t possible.

My phone began ringing 2 minutes later.

“Dan?” I said, trying not to cry. A lady asked for my passport.

“Please come back” he was crying.

“You know I can’t” I was walking to the airplane.

“How did this happen?”

“I don’t know, I’m so sorry”

“I love you okay?”

“I love you too. I’m not dying, Dan, I promise you I’ll soon come back to London” I wiped the tears off my face as a lot of people were staring at me.

“You’re leaving me though, this is like the worst nightmare, Phil, please come back” he was sobbing.

“Don’t say this, you’re killing me”

“How am I going to survive without you? I can’t even imagine how this is gonna be, I just can’t be without you, I’m being serious, Phil”

I was entering the airplane, just following that guy who worked for my dad.

“Listen to me, we’re gonna talk every day, you still have me in your life, alright? Unless my dad kills me, which is probably going to happen.”

“Phil… I’m sorry but I hate your dad”

“Me too.” I paused. “Where are you?” I sat down. Our seats were in the first class.

“I’m still at the airport. My dad is coming to pick me up”

“Please don’t forget to tell your parents everything I said” I held my legs against my chest and buried my face in Dan’s jumper. It smelled like him.

“Don’t worry… where are you?”

“I’m already in the airplane. I just want to get out of here and go hug you again”

“Do that, please”

“You know I can’t”

“And I can’t live without you”

“I love you”

“I love you so much, Phil”

“Talking to you right now is so painful, I already miss you”

 “I already miss you too. I can’t wait to kiss you again.”

“Dan. I need to hang up” I lied. I didn’t /need/ to, because people were still getting in the airplane, but talking to him was killing me.

“I’m not going to say goodbye”


“Just hang up then. I love you, ok?”

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