25. Chills still run down my spine as our fingers intwine.

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"For how long are you staying?" I asked. I was on top of Dan and we'd been making out for... some time. I was so happy he was there with me, I couldn't control my smiles. I love him so much, and all I wanted was to be with him... was it too much to ask?

"2 weeks" he answered.

"But it's your summer vacation after that, why can't you be here for like 2 months?"

"My mum thinks I'll bother you guys, so she didn't let me stay more"

"What? You won't bother, Dan, I lived at your house for 4 months, I should be the one worried about that"

"You know my mum... she's always worried"

"Yeah. Anyway, we can always talk to her... because my vacation begins in a month, so if you stay here until then, we can go to London together"

"That's true... We'll talk to her later then."

I bent over and bit his bottom lip, pulling it out. He moaned quietly and grabbed my butt.

"I love you so much" I whispered.

"I love you, Phil" he kissed me.


2 days later.

"I'll wait here" Dan said. We were outside the jail where my dad was. It looked terrible, and I felt a bad thing there. I didn't really want to go there, but my mum had said that my father wanted to talk to me... And I thought it was harmless, and also, I wanted to know what he wanted.

"Okay... Wish me luck" I pecked his lips and left the car. My mum was already there, talking to my dad. The place was kind of crowded because it was the day when the family could go there to visit. My mum explained what I had to do, so I did as she said. It wasn't difficult, they just checked my clothes to see if I had anything suspicious, I left my phone and signed a paper.

It was like a big dining hall, with hundreds of tables. After some time wandering, I saw my dad, and my mum was in front of him. He looked terrible, not just because of the clothes but also his face was... awful. I sat next to my mum and offered my hand for him to shake. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"Son... can't you give me a hug?" he asked quietly.

"I can. The question is, do you want it?" I said seriously. Although he had basically saved my life, and he was there because he sent the police to find me... I hadn't forgotten everything he had done. Not only the fact that he forced me to go back to Brazil, not only the fact that he took away my friends, my boyfriend (and also my things)... Not only because of that. That man was my father, true... but he was never my /dad/, he was never there for me, not even when I was a kid. He only had time for work, he left me alone with strangers so he could go out with friends, he dominated my mother and didn't let she do anything, we never had a casual conversation between son and dad. I'm not even going to mention all the money he had stolen, and all the other things I didn't even know about.

"Yes" he stood up and spread his arms, like asking for a hug. I stood up as well and hugged him. It was actually an awkward hug, but the intention was there. "I was so worried about you, son." He said as we both sat down again.

"Look... I know you're here because of me. Honestly, I'm not sorry, and I don't feel guilty. You deserve it, you know you do" For the first time, I felt comfortable and confident enough to say those words to him. He always intimidated me, but at that point, I felt like I could say that. If he wanted to fight, I'd just walk away and leave. Go back home. He couldn't do anything... and that's what gave me the confidence I needed. I knew that he could take everything I had away (including Dan), if he was still at home.

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