12. So what we smoke weed? We're just having fun

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an: laughs why did i choose this title i literally had no other idea lets just pretend it doesnt exist

On the morning after that night, Dan and I decided we’d just stay home and have a lazy day.

“Dan? Are you awake?” Mr. Howell knocked at the door. Dan and I were awake already, playing video games in his bedroom.

“Yeah come in” Dan answered.

“Oh, there you are, Phil” Mr. Howell said as he saw me there. “I was wondering where you were… Because you weren’t in your bedroom and your bed is done”

“Oh…” I said, trying to think of an excuse for why I slept in Dan’s bedroom. “I woke up earlier this morning … then I noticed Dan was awake so I came here”

“That’s right then. Are you staying home today?” my host dad asked.

“Yeah, probably…” Dan answered.

“Good. Show me your arms so I can go out with your mother.”

Mr. Howell checked our arms again, and then left. Aidan was out with some friends so that meant Dan and I were home alone.

“Are we going to tell your parents?” I asked as I hugged Dan.

“I don’t think we should… They’d always ask what we’re doing or what we did, then they’d come here more often, they wouldn’t leave us alone…” he pecked my lips.

“Yeah… you’re right…”


Dan handed me his phone without a word. I took it and checked what he wanted me to see. It was a /big/ conversation with Jason. I knew he’d been texting someone for hours, but didn’t bother to ask who. I trusted Dan, and also, I couldn’t tell him what to do.

Jason was very upset, asking Dan how he could be with someone who he didn’t even know yet. He was obviously jealous, and still had feelings for Dan. I had never noticed that, because Dan and Jason always talked about girls, like two straight guys.

//Why are you doing this? You never cared if I was dating a girl. You dated many girls and fucked a lot of them. Why are you crying over this? Aren’t you happy that I found someone who takes me seriously?// Dan asked him, further in the conversation.

//I don’t know, with girls it was different… But Phil is a boy, and I never thought you were gay//

//You always freaking knew that. I really thought you were over the feelings you had… that we were friends again//

//You always knew I consider you more than a friend//

//Why didn’t you try showing this? You were always a coward. I knew you didn’t want a serious relationship, you just wanted to fuck me like you fucked all those girls, and that would mean losing our friendship for an easy fuck. You never cared about anyone why would you care about me? I never wanted a ‘friends with benefits’ thing, either it’s serious or it’s just one night stand//

//And you think you can have something serious with Phil? Look at him Dan, he doesn’t have any experience what so ever and also, he’s going back to his country soon. What does he have that I don’t?//

I handed him the phone, locking it.

“I don’t want to read everything. I’m sorry I’m the reason you’re fighting” I said quietly. I couldn’t understand everything they were saying, because I didn’t know everything that had happened.

“I can’t understand why he’s doing this…”Dan said sadly.

“Give it time… he has to get used to the idea that you’re mine now.” I kissed his lips. “Unless you have feelings for him and you want to be with him… I’d understand that, I mean, you’ve been through a lot and I’m just-“ he interrupted me with a kiss.

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