5. Brigadeiros

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"...puta merda" I said. It was more like a whisper but Dan heard it.

"sorry?" he asked.

I cleared my throat. "Sorry. I swore in Portuguese."

There was a pause that happened to be the most awkward moment of my life. We were in silence and I slid the picture, to see the other ones. There were thousands of pictures, of all of us. In one of them I held a bottle of vodka and was hugging Natali. We were all shirtless and looked like retards. There were at least 10 selfies I had taken with Dan - most of them were 'normal', or at least we weren't kissing. Everything would be fine if the ones in which we were kissing weren't there.

"Do you remember anything?" I asked, still looking down at the phone.

"Nope. You?"


The bus stopped and we got out. We walked a bit in silence, we weren't saying anything but we were thinking the same thing. How the hell did we end up kissing? And also, did we do anything more than just kissing?

I gave him his phone a second later, not bothering to look at all the pictures. I got /my/ phone then, to see if something weird was there as well.

"Oh, shit" I said.

"What? What's it?" Dan panicked and took it from me.

There were 2 videos. Dan analyzed it whilst we walked

"I don't even want to watch these videos. Can I delete them?" he asked.

"No! Leave them, maybe we can find out what happened"

"Maybe it's better if we don't remember, Phil. But whatever" he said, handing me the phone.

We kept walking in an awkward silence until we got home.

"Let's hope my mum isn't here" he said before opening the front door.

Luckily, no one was home. We were supposed to be in a lesson, but for obvious reasons we skipped school that morning.

Dan went straight to his bedroom, and I didn't know what I should do. Should I go with him? Should I just go to my bedroom and we'd forget what happened?

He was about to enter his bedroom and I was about to enter mine when he turned around .

"Hey Phil, happy birthday." He smiled.

"Thanks" I said.

There was another awkward pause, but then I decided I'd break it.

"Dan... is this normal? I mean, doing drugs and all and just forget everything in the morning? Do you and your friends always do that?"

He thought about it for a second before answering. "No... Phil... I mean, we always smoke and drink, it's not always like last night. This isn't the first time it happens but it's not like we're used to it. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know it would get so out of control, Jason hadn't told me that he was bringing pills... really, I'm sorry, please, don't tell your parents or they'll want you to change families"

"No, I won't tell them, and even if I did, they wouldn't care... Let's hope /your/ parents don't find out about it. What are we going to tell them? I have some missed calls in my phone too"

"Listen, we're going to tell them that we were at Jason's house but Hayley called us, saying we should go to her house. We forgot our phones at Jason's, and we accidently fell asleep at Hayley's, that's why we didn't answer when my mum called. You got it?"

"That doesn't sound like a good excuse to me Dan, but... okay"

"Don't worry, my parents believe anything. And after all it was your birthday, we were celebrating, right?" he chuckled.

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