16. Your forever is all that I need

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I took off my shirt as Dan and I continued making out. Honestly, I couldn’t care less if Chris and PJ were doing the same right there, next to us. A quick thought ran through my mind, that we could possibly, MAYBE, tell them to do it /next to us on the bed/, and we could, /maybe/, join them, and make it an orgy or something like that – but I shook the thoughts away. No. I didn’t want anyone else touching /my/ boyfriend. I’d have to be pretty drunk and high to let that happen, and I was sure Dan wouldn’t let anyone else touch me too.  At least I hoped he wouldn’t.

I broke the kiss I was sharing with Dan and kissed his neck, glancing quickly at PJ and Chris. They were doing exactly the same as us, and to be honest, it was kind of hot watching my two friends making out, even if it was just for 3 quick seconds. As I’d said earlier, I was too /busy/.

I didn’t mind making out with my friends there, but things were getting heated, and Dan and I had some problems under our belts. We wouldn’t have sex there, because we knew Chris and PJ were far from doing it. Also, Dan and I were quite verbal.

“We should go to the bathroom” I whispered into Dan’s ear. I’d thought of having sex in the bathroom, just for a change, and that seemed like the perfect opportunity. We had taken showers together, yes, but for some reason we really just had some cute moments there, we had never had proper sex. Some things I just couldn’t understand about our relationship, but well, that’s how it was.

“Yes, we should… where do you want it to be? Bath? Sink? Toilet? Floor?” he bit my earlobe. Oh lord, Dan knew how to be sexy when he wanted to. Just his voice, the way he moaned quietly when he finished the sentence. It wasn’t a proper moan, but for some reason, even how he exhaled air turned me on, in moments like this. I just loved Dan so freaking much, for me, he was the definition of perfection, I didn’t think I could find someone better than Dan. He was flawless. He was cute, romantic, funny, sexy... Everything I’d ever want. He probably had some flaws but I couldn’t see them.

“Why isn’t the wall an option?” I bit his bottom lip and pulled it out, sucking on it a bit then letting it go back.

“Anything is an option for you. Except for my parents’ bedroom, that would be awkward”

“Don’t ruin our moment talking about your parents” I giggled quietly. Our noses were brushing and we’d always peck each other’s lips whilst we talked.

“Yeah sorry, let’s go back to talking about how your dick wants to be inside me now” He sunk his teeth on my jaw, literally biting the skin there. “Why don’t you tell me how much you want it?”

“I want it… like… a lot” I stroked his side, and stopped when I got to his hip.

“You know… I’ll have to stand up and walk all the way to the bathroom… You know I’m lazy and that’s a lot of work. Will you make it worth it?” I felt his nails scratching on my lower back, and even that was a turn on.

“Yeah… I’ll do everything you want, so why don’t you give me some details? What do you want me to do for you, babe?”

“I want you to push me against the wall and I want to wrap my legs around your waist as you fuck me, I want you to thrust fast and hard inside me, as deep as humanly possible, I want to see you sweating and moaning, I want you to be rough, can you do that for me, love?” he pulled my body closer to his, attaching our crotches together. Teasing was good, but I couldn’t wait anymore. I stood up without saying anything else and pulled him by his hand. There was some hot action going on between Chris and PJ and I glanced quickly. Dan looked at them and then at me and giggled, they were so into it. We left Dan’s bedroom and closed the door behind us, going straight to the bathroom.

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