Chapter 21- I Feel Dizzy

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**Fernanda's POV**
When I wake up this morning I notice that I'm in Ross' bed. "I must have fell asleep in the car." I thought before turning over slightly. There laid my amazing boyfriend with his lips parted slightly mumbling nonsense every once in a while, his blonde wavy hair swept across his face and in every direction in between. His bare chest moving slowly up and down with the blanket laid across his torso so you couldn't tell if he slept in sweats or boxers. I carefully got up and pulled the curtain open letting in the bright and blinding light. I looked over to the bed seeing the light on Ross making him close his eyes shut tighter and scrunch his nose in his sleep. Finally after turning over a few times his eyes fluttered open revealing his hazel orbs. "Hey." I say softly sitting down on the bed. "Hey." He replies propping himself up on his elbows and yawning. "What time is it?" Ross questions pulling the blanket off himself and revealing his pink boxers from American Eagle. "Umm.....10:34" I reply after checking my phone. "Good now I'm going to take a shower." He says as he walks out his bedroom door. I get up and make my way into the kitchen to see Rydellington making breakfast. "Hey need any help?" I ask as Ell nods. "Could you grab plates for everyone." Rydel says as I nod walking to the cabinets. Once the boys are called they basically sprint into the kitchen for food. Ross follows shortly behind with a robe on and messy, wet hair. We all eat the breakfast Rydellington cooked in almost complete silence until Riker speaks. "We should go to the beach today." He says as everyone shouts agreements. "Sounds good. We should meet in the car in thirty." Ryland suggests as everyone agrees and runs to get ready. When I stand up l see Ross slowly getting up with a pained expression on his face. I look down further to see that he barely touched his food. I follow Ross to his bedroom where he sits down on his bed and brings his fingers to his temples and rubs small circles on them. "Are you okay? I don't mean to sound all nosy but you didn't eat much and you look pale." I say sitting down beside him. "Once I got out of the shower I felt dizzy. My head is pounding and spinning and i don't feel hungry." Ross explains laying his head on my lap. "Maybe we should stay here while the others go to the beach." I suggest as I start running my fingers through his blonde locks. "Mhmm" Ross mumbles as his eyes shut and he starts relaxing. "Let me go get you some medicine." I smile as he nods laying down on his bed. I go into the kitchen and explain to the boys what happened and that Ross and I were staying home. They understood and said to call if we needed anything and that they would be sure to tell Rydel and Katrina, who were still getting ready. I walked over to the medicine cabinet pulled out the Excedrin migraine and dumped two on my hand. I grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge and headed back to Ross' room where he was now face down on his pillow. "Here you go baby." I whisper as Ross peaks his head up and rolls over grabbing the water and medicine from me. He gulps down the pills before setting the water on his nightstand. "Can we watch a movie and cuddle please." Ross begs looking at me with his puppy dog eyes and his bottom lip jutted out. "Anything for you." I smile placing a kiss on his forehead. "You pick." I say handing over the tv remote to Ross as he starts to scroll through Netflix. "How about Anger Management?" Ross says as I simply nod. A few movies later Ross' head lays on my stomach with his feet entangled with mine. He is mumbling quietly in his sleep something about Riker. I smile down at him as I keep running my fingers through his hair just as I have done for the past few hours. I hear the door open and laughing so I decide to get up. The door closes as I walk into the living room and Riker and Ryland finish laughing at something. "Ross feeling better?" Rocky asks once he sees me. "Well he is asleep right now but hopefully he'll feel better when he wakes up." I say as everyone nods. "We are going to change and then head to In-N-Out Burger and maybe Get Shaved or we'll buy a bag of Dippin Dots. You want to come?" Riker asks while everyone starts to make their way upstairs. "Probably not but maybe you can bring Ross and I something back." I suggest as he nods. "Yeah we'll do that and then buy a bag of Dippin Dots. Sound good?" He smiles as I nod as he goes to change. I make my way back into Ross' room to see him sitting up looking through Tv channels. "You feel better?" I ask as Ross shakes his head. "I feel worse if that is even possible." Ross mumbles. "Well your sibling are going out and are going to bring us back food okay." I say sitting beside Ross. "From where?" He asks. "In-N-Out." I reply as Ross pulls me closer to him and rests his chin on my shoulder blade. An hour or so later Ross' siblings bring us our food and a bowl of banana split Dippin Dots. Ross eats about half his food and a spoonful of Dippin Dots before laying down and drifting off to sleep. After I clean up I turn the Tv off and decide to do the same as Ross. I lay down carefully beside Ross before he instinctively wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him. I breathe in his scent and cuddled closer to him before falling to sleep.

------------------------------------------1026 words and counting. The next chapter will hopefully cause a bit of drama for everyone😬

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