Chapter 24- He'd Never Remember

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"I'm sorry we did all that we could." The doctor said sadly. "If there is anything you need don't hesitate to ask." He smiled slightly before walking off leaving us to drown in our tears.

"Hey doc. Could we maybe go see him?" Riker questioned shyly as the doctor turned around. "Of course." The doctor replied walking off yet again. "We should have taken him to the doctor sooner." Stormie whispered almost as if she talked any louder she would disturb Ross. "Darling you had no way of knowing." Mark said hugging his wife while all of the kids nodded in agreement. Just as Rydel started to speak Ross' heart monitor started beeping. "What's happening?" I asked shaking just as nurses burst into the room and pushed us out. We slowly walked the few feet back to the waiting room where Rydel and Stormie kept crying. Rocky, Ell, Riker and Mark sat in a seat fidgeting every so often. While Ryland and I paced the waiting room nervously. The next few minutes felt like an eternity waiting to see what had happened. The doctor finally came out and looked quite happy. "Well I am very pleased to say that Ross is now alive. He is doing fine and you should be able to go see him tomorrow morning." The doctor smiled before leaving us. "Maybe we should go get something to eat." Rocky suggested as we nodded. "How about Chipotle and then we go home and rest and come back to see Ross early tomorrow morning." I said as everyone quickly agreed. As we left the hospital and headed to Chipotle everyone became a lot happier. We were probably the happiest that we had been in a while. Our tears were dried. We weren't jumping, pacing or fidgeting anymore. And no one had to comfort one another. That night we were on top of the world and nothing could bring us down. Except for one thing. Ross Shor Lynch.

The next morning we woke up after a long peaceful rest and quickly left to go visit Ross. It was a thirty minute drive plus another twenty to get checked into the hospital and up to Ross' room. As we entered his room Ross sat on his bed laughing hysterically until he saw us. Ross paused the tv and stared blankly at us for a second. "Who are all of you?" He asked clear confusion laced in his voice. "What do you mean who are we?" Ryland said raising his voice at every word. As Ryland spoke Ross flinched and scooted towards the back wall. Everyone's head snapped to Ryland just as he mumbled an apology. After a few seconds Ellington spoke. "What do you mean Ross?" "I mean I have no clue who any of you are and if you don't tell me now I'm calling in the doctors." He threatened. Nobody spoke. We all hoped Ross would soon burst out laughing and say he got us but he never did. Just as Ross was about to hit the red button i gathered all my courage and spoke. "Ross these people are your family. Your parents. Riker and Rocky your older brothers. Rydel your older sister. Ryland your younger brother. Ellington your family friend and Rydel's boyfriend." I said gesturing to each person as I spoke. "What about you?" Ross questioned. "Im Fernanda your girlfriend." I answered. "Im sorry but I really don't remember any of you." He said. As we all smiled sadly.

"Do you think he'll get his memory back?" We asked the doctor after they finished running a few hundred tests on Ross. "Umm well sadly no. The brain damage is too severe it would be a miracle is he even remembered his birthday." The doctor explained as we all once again broke down in tears. Thinking of how he'd never remember.

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