Chapter 8- Tell Your Friend I'm Taken

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"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up" someone yelled from outside my door. "Why" i whine tiredly "cause we are leaving soon and you are gonna come say goodbye. Now get up." Chance yells. I sigh getting up and changing clothes. Then i trudge to the bathroom where I put on some light makeup before heading downstairs. "Morning sleeping beauty" my dad says grabbing his suitcase and heading out the door. "Sissy" i hear the twins scream from upstairs. "Yeah" i say walking to their room. "Can you help us. Please!" They ask as i nod and help them with their suitcases. After an hour of chaos trying to get everything ready and in the car my family had finally got everything ready. Since they had to bring stuff for six months the company was flying my family and like three others to Australia in the company's private jet. "Okay sweetie love you and behave." My mom says as she and my dad hug me and kiss my forehead. "I'm gonna miss you!" The twins yelled as i bent down to their levels and hugged them. Then chance hugged me and whispered "call me if he makes a move on you okay." In my ear before getting in the car. I waved to them as they drove off to the airport and then did a happy dance. I was home alone for the next six months or shorter cause my dad said they might send Chance back early but hopefully six months. Best part i get to buy my own food and whatever else i need cause my dad left me money to use for a while and said he'd send more. "Nice dance angel. What has made you so happy on this beautiful morning?" Ross says walking towards me. "Well my dad is going on a business trip for six months and my family went with him." I say happily "and you didn't go?" He questioned as i shake my head. "Well you know if you ever need company I'm right across the street." He smirked "and so is your sister" i sass as he frowns. "So what are you gonna do that that your all alone?" He asks "umm go to McDonald's eat food and invite my friend to stay with me. So if you'd excuse me i have to go do those things." I say as i walk to my car. I reached Mcd's about ten minutes later and quickly parked. I walked in and ordered before i found my friend, Danielle already sitting at a booth. I go and sit by her as we eat our food we talk about random things before we get ready to leave. "I can't believe I'm staying with you for a month." Danielle screams as we good around on the front lawn. "Yeah me either it's going to be great!" I say happily "oh hottie lives across the street." Danielle says as you look to see a shirtless Ross taking out the trash. "If you think he's hot you should see his brothers." I say rolling my eyes. "Oh why don't you introduce me." Danielle suggests as we continue staring across the street. Before i could reply Ross looks over and smirks before yelling "hey Fernanda i know you think I'm hot but you gotta quit staring angel. It's kinda rude." I raise my eyebrows slightly before yelling back, "in your dreams lynch." Just as i was dragging Danielle into the house he yelled back, "every night" when we were finally in the house Danielle bombed me with questions. "Who is he? How old is he? Do you like him? If not can i date him? Does he like you? And is he single?" "Ross. 19. Heck no. I wouldn't. No. Yes." I answer. "Oh i can date him though right?" Danielle questions. "Yeah but he usually flirts with every girl he meets and breaks up with the girl after a month or cheats on them." I say "oh so he's a playa." Danielle smiles as i shake my head. Suddenly there was a knock on the door which meant i had to answer the door. "Hey what do you want?" I question as my blonde neighbor stands at the door. "Just to check on you angel" Ross smiles. "Well I'm good. Bye!" I say and try to shut the door but he put his foot in the door so it wouldn't shut. I reopened the door just as Danielle came behind me. "Hey I'm Danielle." She says "Ross" he replies. "Fernanda your mom was calling" Danielle says "okay but when i get back you better be gone." I say pointing at Ross as he smirks "love you too angel." I talked to my mom for a few minutes before going into the living room where Ross and Danielle were watching T.V. "Hey Ross." I smile as he looks at me "leave." I smirk "fine but only cause you asked so nicely." He says following me to the door. "Hey Fernanda." He says before walking out the door. "Tell your friend I'm taken." He smirks "wait what how!" I ask "well you see if she thinks I'm taken then she'll stop flirting with me" Ross smiles. "Plus i have my eyes set on someone else."

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