Chapter 22- He's A Fighter

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**Fernanda's POV**
You know those mornings where you wake up to hear your blonde boyfriend strumming his guitar and then he feels bad when he wakes you up but you think there is no better way to wake up. Well this morning was not one of those mornings. Instead of a guitar I woke up to the sound of a toilet being flushed numerous times. I sighed noticing Ross was not beside me and made my way to the boys bathroom while tying my hair up. When I get to the bathroom Ross turns around and smiles slightly at me. "I feel like shit." He mumbles before turning around and vomiting yet again. "How long?" I question sympathetically. "Thirty minutes." He rushes vomiting again. "My poor baby." I coo rubbing his back as he kneels down on the hardwood floor. "Still feel dizzy?" I ask once Ross is done. "Yea. I also have a bad headache, I'm freezing, and the light hurts my eyes." Ross sighs as I touch the back of my hand to his head before pulling it away quickly. "Ross you're burning up maybe you should go see a doctor." I suggest. "No babe I'm fine." He whines as his mother walks in. "Baby are you okay?" Stormie asks worriedly. "Yeah mom i'm fine." He sighs as Stormie looks at me and I shake my head. "Honey go get dressed we are taking you to Patient First." Stormie urges as Ross pouts before heading to his room. Ten minutes later Mark is driving Stormie's Prius with her in the passenger seat. I'm right behind Stormie with Ross' head in my lap. It took us about twenty minutes to get to patient first due to traffic. Stormie and Mark started to fill out all of Ross' paperwork when we got there. There were surprisingly so many people there that we could only get a seat for Ross to sit in. We had to wait at least an hour before we got called back. That hour consisted of Ross' constant whining but we all let it slide. Once we got a room we basically waited another hour before a doctor finally came in. He asked basic questions like What is going on? How long has this been going on? He then checked Ross' temperature and wrote it down. "So i think we need to do a quick brain scan and we'll see what shows up sound good?" He asked and Ross' parents nodded. The doctor steps out of the room and a few minutes later a super pretty nurse walks in with a huge smile on her face. "Hey so if you can follow me i'll take you for your brain scan." The nurse says as Ross' eye widen. "Can she come with me please?" Ross asks as he motions to me. "Um sure." The nurse says flatly while leading me and Ross to the x-ray room. Ross sits down in a chair while another nurse prepares him for the brain scan. I glance over at the other nurse who took me and Ross here and I see her glaring directly at me. I gulp and look at Ross who looked so tired. I see from the corner of my eye the pretty nurse talking to some other nurse who came out of nowhere. The pretty nurse then comes up to me and smiles innocently. "Ma'm I'm so sorry but we actually are not supposed to let anyone in here besides the person getting the brain scan so I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She smirks at me as I sigh getting up and heading to the door. "Please don't make her leave." Ross whimpers staring at me sadly. "I'm sorry sweetie but she has to." The pretty nurse says putting her hand on Ross' knee. I give Ross a sympathetic look before walking back to Ross' room. When I walk in Stormie and Mark give me a look as I sit down probably looking annoyed. "Is everything okay?" Stormie questions. "The nurse is flirting with Ross. She made it so I had to leave the room even though Ross wanted me to stay." I huff as Stormie nods. Ross comes back in minutes later looking as pitiful as ever. "I wish you could have stayed the nurse wouldn't leave me alone and she made my headache worse." Ross whined. I chuckled lightly before getting up and letting Ross lay on the bed with his head on the pillow I put on my lap. I started to run my fingers through Ross' hair as he slowly relaxed to my touch and closed his eyes. The doctor walked in soon after explaining what they had found on Ross' brain scan. "Well the news isn't totally bad but it's not totally good either." The doctors says. "You see Ross has something we call encephalitis which is an inflammation of the brain usually caused by a viral infection. Now this has been in Ross' brain for a day and we highly suggest taking him to the hospital for further examination and care. If you want you can drive him to the hospital or we can call an ambulance over here. Whatever you feel necessary." The doctor finishes giving us all sympathetic looks. "M-Mom its-its get-getting w-worse." Ross stutters holding his head in pain as he screws his eyes shut tightly. "Ambulance it is." The doctor rushes almost sprinting out of the room to call the hospital. No more than five minutes later Ross was loaded into the ambulance with me and Stormie on either side of him while Mark went to get the car and meet us at the hospital. Ross grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly as one of the ER people stuck a needle in his right arm. "Hey buddy you might start feeling a bit more drowsy than before and its okay if you go to sleep." The ER dude says as Ross nods slightly. Soon enough Ross' tight grip on my hand releases as he falls asleep almost peacefully. Once we make it to the hospital the doctors quickly wheel Ross to a room where they start hooking him up to a bunch of machines. Soon Mark arrives breathing a sigh of relief knowing his son is okay. "The rest of the kids don't know about Ross yet so I'm gonna call Riker so he can explain it to the rest of them and come down before visiting hours are over." Stormie says before walking out of the room. "I have never seen Ross this sick before but he's a fighter. He'll pull through." Mark smiles at his second youngest son with the most pride i have ever seen him show. And in that moment I smiled too, he was alive and his illness wasn't that severe. Small victory but still a victory nonetheless.

-----------------------------------------you guys probably all hate me now right..don't worry there will be more drama soon maybe i don't know yet.

Anyways There is too much drama in this fandom aka family and I'm sitting here like... I have no more fucks to give. Well adios.

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