Chapter 1- The Move

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**Fernanda's POV**
I watched as the only place I ever knew shrunk until I could not see it no more but in its place were a bunch a white fluff balls. I had just found out a few months ago that my family was moving. Not only were we moving but we were moving out of the city my siblings and I grew up in, out of the state I had loved, and to a place I had never thought about. I was leaving some of my close family and my best friends for what you may ask. California. Yep the amazing California with the amazing beaches, hollywood, disney and cute guys. But I am far from happy about moving all I want to do is fall asleep and hope that it's all a dream. But things don't work out that way because if they did I would not be on a flight to California. After we arrived at the airport I grabbed my two suitcases from the luggage claim and waited for my dad to rent a car. My parents has decided to make the move easier that they would sell anything in the house that was not significant to us like furniture and keep stuff like pictures and family air looms. They also made us give away most of our clothing and stuff so now all I had was two suitcases full of my stuff but I was promised a shopping spree once everything was settled so I was okay with it. I hopped in the rental car we were gonna use until my parents bought a new car and my dad started driving to our new house. After a thirty five minute drive we ended up at a fairly large white two story house. My dad explained it had five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a dining area, a kitchen, a living room, a basement, balconies, and a huge pool so there was plenty of space for our family. My dad dropped my siblings, our mom and I off before going to buy a new car so he wouldn't have to pay so much for the rental car. I walked into the house and quickly claimed my bedroom. I heard my mom yell from downstairs so I knew the moving truck was here. The moving truck had carried mine, my siblings and my parents beds, dressers, vanities, and desks and a few more things. I started to grab a few things I could carry and headed into the house before going to help some more. A little while later my dad came back with the new car and started helping unload things. I had just walked out of our new house when I glanced across the street to see a vehicle pull into one of the driveways. A few people quickly hop out, they all look to be probably around my age there were two blondes and two brunettes. The door to the house swings open as a blonde girl and brunette boy make their way out of the house and over to the other people. They all hug and talk before dividing themselves up and grabbing a football. I quickly stop staring and start helping my dad with something that he needed done. Every once in a while though I would glance up at the people across the street. One person had my complete attention though. He was a blonde haired teen who looked about 18. I couldn't really tell his eye color but they sparkled in the sunlight. He was wearing a white tee that was starting to show his chest from all the sweat. He was also wearing black converse, jeans and a bandanna that was keeping his blonde locks out of his face as they were now sticking to his sweaty forehead. The boy also seemed to smile and laugh a lot from what I had seen plus he had dimples so it made his smile even better. I worked for a few more minutes before glancing across the street just in time to see the boy peel his shirt off of his chest and toss it on the ground. "Sweetie your drooling," my dad teases following my gaze as I scowl at him. He just chuckles and gets back to work. About thirty minutes pass before I hear yelling from across the street but I decided to ignore it and continue helping my dad. A few seconds pass before I hear, "hello new neighbor," as my parents and siblings turn around. I quickly turn to see the kids from across the street and some older people with them. My dad smiles at them and says hello. "Well we live across the street. I'm Mark, this is my wife Stormie and our kids Riker,Rocky, Rydel, Ryland, and Ross and their friend Ellington. They all wave at us with smiles on their faces as my dad introduces us. "Well I'm Fred and this is my wife Samantha and our kids Chance, Fernanda, Paris and Phoenix." Before I know it my parents were having some conversation and Rydel had invited me to play football with them. "Umm I really don't like playing football." I say "oh I don't either so the boys can play while you and me talk." Rydel smiles dragging me to their porch. We sit and chat as I watch the boys play especially Ross, who still had his shirt off and looked hot. Rydel giggled beside me making me turn "what?"
     "oh it's just your checking out my brother... But don't worry I'm used to it almost every girl in the world thinks their cute." Rydel says
  "oh, really?" I ask as Rydel nods. "Okay kids time to go in" mark yells. "wanna come in?" Rydel asks.
     "umm Id love to but i gotta get home" I say as I see my mom motioning to me.
     "oh then maybe tomorrow. see ya" she grins walking into her house with the boys close behind. The door closes as I start walking home. I look to see Ross grab his shirt from the ground and look at me before smirking. I give him a weird look making him smirk some more. "Like what you saw?" he asks slipping his shirt over his head. "What?" I ask confused "I saw you checking me out earlier." Ross smirks but before I can say anything else he adds "and don't deny it either cause I saw you doing it"
     "well maybe I was" I say placing a hand on my hip "hey I never said I had a problem with it plus I was checking you out too so we're even." Ross says reaching his front door. He cracks a smile before saying
     "I don't know about you but I defiantly liked what I saw." He then steps into his house and closes the door leaving me to walk home drowning in my thoughts.

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