Chapter 6

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A/N Hey again. I know right two updates in one day 😱😱 hopefully I'll even have a third one up by the end of tonight. Not that many people are reading....
Anyways this chapter gets pretty intense and there's even a Daryl's POV. There is a cliffhanger but for those of you reading like I said I should have the next chapter up in the next few hours. So enjoy :)

Chapter 6

We all just looked at Sophia, who was now sprawled out on the ground. Daryl tried to get Carol not to look but she just ended up running away. Beth was crying uncontrollably as she approached her mother's dead body, turns out she was a different type of dead.

We all pulled Beth away from her growling mother as T Dog stomped on the walkers head. Andrea finally put an scythe through her head stopping the growls straight away.

I froze and looked around at all the bodies, all the damage we had done. I don't know whose side I'm on or who I agreed with. Both sides had their points. This is Herschel's farm and if he didn't want this we shouldn't have but on the other hand I wouldn't have felt safe next to all this.

Herschel started to lead a crying Beth back to the house, followed by Patricia and Maggie. Shane started to follow them.

"We've been out, combing these woods looking for her and she was in there all along?" Shane made it sound like a question and an accusation at the same time, "You knew."

"Leave us alone," Maggie yelled back.

"Hey, Shane, just stop, man," Rick tried holding Shane back. I decided to follow this before it got worse.

"Get your hands off me," Shane shrugged him off, "You knew and you kept it from us."

"I didn't know," Herschel fought back as he continued towards the house.

"That's bullshit, I think y'all knew,"

"We didn't know!" Maggie yelled as they reached the steps to the porch.

"Why was she there?!" Shane yelled.

"Your....Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed," Herschel suggested.

"You expect me to believe that? What do I look like? Do I look like an idiot?" Shane asked.

"Shane, hey, hey, hey," Rick held Shane back.

"I don't care what you believe!" Herschel yelled at Shane, he had turned to face him at this stage.

"Everybody just calm down," Rick tried to defuse the situation.

"No. Let me tell you something," Shane started.

"Hey," Maggie got in and pushed Shane back, Maggie slapped him across the face when he went in for Herschel, "Don't touch him! Haven't you done enough?"

Maggie and Herschel went for the door.

"I mean it off my land," Herschel sounded serious. As he and his family disappeared into the house, Glenn then following after them.

"What are you doing?" Rick asked Shane, I just felt like I was intruding now, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Daryl almost died looking for her, Rick. Any one of us could have. I'm gonna tell you right now, that son of a bitch, he knew," Shane answered.

"He didn't know. He's not like that," I got into the conversation now, the look on that man's face told me he didn't have a clue, "He opened his home to us."

"He put us all in danger. Man, he kept a barn full of walkers," Shane pointed out.

"So you just start an insurrection, hand out guns and massacre his family?" Rick asked.

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