Aye Aye captain. Chapter 1: Blood

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Aye aye Captain

As I sit in my room, I listen to the noises of the waves crashing against the side of the ship. It's peaceful and quiet, not a care in the world. My men all stand out on the deck, talking about noting but women and treasure. That's all those men seem to care about! My life isn't all that great. Being a pirate is hard sometimes.. When I was younger I wished for a family, but sadly that wish was thrown into the bin.
"CAPTAIN! Enemy ship up north!"
My eyes widen and I rushed up to the deck, as fast as my leg and peg leg let me.
"Keep going north! I want to visit the captain of that ship!" I knew exactly who it was.
Captain clause.
He's been my enemy since I first laid eyes on their stupid ship! Oh but that was a fun day.
Our ship Night Fury, headed north quickly to catch up with the ship. My men and I readied our swords, to attack.

It happened so quickly.. Before I knew it we where attacking Clause's men. Each man and woman dying one by one. Blood splattered on the deck and our swords dripped with the red liquid.
"Stay out here and make sure we didn't leave anyone!"
I ordered and headed towards the Captains office/room. I kicked the door open and my eyes widen at the sight.

A man with white hair almost like snow if it wasn't dirty. His abs seemed to be trained and tanned, oh how grateful I am that he doesn't have a shirt on. He had glistening sky blue eyes that seem to put anyone into a trance, and oh that evil smirk wooed me.
But aside of the sexy looks, he killed Captain Clause! The lifeless body of the Captain, laid still on the ground blood leaving his chest in big amounts.
Oh how angry I felt towards the hot man standing in front of me.
"Well if it isn't Captain haddock."
He smirked and cleaned his sword with a hankie.
"Yes, and you are?" I said sounding close to an order.
"Jack, Jack Frost.. I used to be part of Captain black's crew, but I escaped that hell to find my own crew."
He answers simply walking towards me slowly.
"Ha!" I laughed in amusement. "I doubt you will get anywhere"
His smirk suddenly turned into an angered thrown. "What gives you the right to doubt me?" He spat crossing his arms like a child, who isn't getting what it wants.
"Common sense" Frost huffs loudly, making sure i know he's not impressed. I know I'm being a bit harsh to the man, but I have to. I'm a pirate! I can't show anyone that I'm weak against him. They will throw me out of my own crew!
"So anyway.. Frost, why did you kill Clause?" My order sounded polite and sweet as I look up and down his body.
"Well I couldn't let you have all the fun, could I?" He's smirk returned. It was evil and. Sexy. But his reason was not good enough. He killed my enemy. I was so close to having Clauses blood among my sword and hands! And Jack Frost took that advantage away from me!

I had two choices chain him up to serve the crime he committed against me, or leave the human being alone.
Of course I'm going with chaining him up.
"EUGENE SNOTLOUT!" I call on my two best men. I don't exactly know why they are my best men, but I don't really care.
They rushed in as quick as they could to see if I was hurt. They both sighed in relief once they saw me, but scowled at Frost. "Take Frost and chain him up. In my room. He need to serve his time for the crimes against me." I order with a growl to the two men, ignoring Frost's pleas. No gets chained up in my room, but this man is special. I might keep him for later.
They nodded in agreement and quickly grabbed the young man by his arms.
"You comin' captain?" They stop at the door way and look at me.
"In a second boys, I need to do something." Before I knew it they were off back onto our boat with the squirming Jack Frost in there grips.
I look down at the crimson mess and dead man. I smiled, I finally have what I've always wanted. Clause to be dead. "Bad luck old man, have fun in Valhalla."
I mutter in a low tone before walking out. "Grab the treasure and head back onto our ship! We are done here!" I order loudly, causes everyone to look at me and hurry into action. There wasn't much treasure but its still enough for us.
As I walk along the bloody deck I take a minute to see the men and women we killed. Sandy, tooth, Fish-legs, wait is that Astrid?
Astrid was a beautiful young lady and sadly was apart of my crew. She left because she thought I was lame. I'm not lame! I just didn't want to kill someone who had a family to look after! There was children on board with the man. Does anyone know how scary that would probably be for them?

Aye Aye Captain /hijack/ boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now