Aye Aye captain. Chapter 4: Leadership

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// hey guys, I just want to say. Thank you for the nice comments. I'm sorry I don't update weekly/dayly. I'm just busy.. and I have other stories I need to do. So anyway. I'm sorry and please comment your thoughts while reading. I'm sorry about spelling mistakes. Because this god damn phone is being an asshole! Love you all. I started to cry writing this so be happy.\\

Jacks POV

Its been two weeks. Two whole weeks of being in this crew. Of training. Of lifting heavy objects. My arms always aching twenty four seven. Though I love it here. On this old ship, that I must admit I've tripped over floor boards on. Its way different to blacks and my uncles crew.
Everyone was working all the time in my old crews. But here. Its relaxing. Everyone helps everyone when needed. They aren't just assigned to do just one thing. They help when needed.
This crew is like a big family. Taking turns of cooking and chores. Its not just work here.
That's why I probably like this place so much. I feel welcomed and apart of something! Which.. I've never felt before. Its so special to me.. that they need me. They actually acknowledge my existence and that I can help.
I don't know how to explain the emptiness I've felt before coming here and spending these hard weeks of training. But I'll try..

It was horrible.

I felt used. When I did work I didn't feel important! I felt like anyone could do my job. But they choose me cause they knew I wasn't important.
They didn't believe in me.
They didn't have one speck of faith that I am actually useful!
I am strong. I'm smart. I know how to use a weapon, but..
They never believed in me. Not like this crew. Not like my new family..
I'm happy here. For once in my life I'm happy! Not.. sad and miserable. Always crying myself to sleep. I just wanted to die and get my life over with. I would stare out into the sea. Wishing.. just hoping.. that I had something out there. I had something I needed to do. That I was important to someone. Important to this world. I still haven't found it..
But being in this crew I can feel that it's just one step closer to finding that something.
One step closer.

Hiccups Pov

"Jacks been very successful. He knows 'ow to do everything! He actually knows 'ow to fight! Hiccup he needs to be in second command!" Gobber exclaimed, hitting his fist down onto my desk.

"Gobber I've told you. Your second in command." I say calmly.
Gobber was trying to convince me that jack could be second command. I don't understand why he wants to give up his spot? Like.. Gobber is the only person I really trust with my life. He saved my life. Well, he helped. But that's not the point! I'm not afraid that Gobber will kill me and become captain, cause he doesn't want to be captain. But jack does! He could kill me instantly. Why doesn't Gobber understand this?
Gobber continues to ramble on about how perfect jack is and how useful he is. But then he freezes and stares at me.

Wait.. was he about to cry?

"Gobber? A-are you okay?" I ask now greatly concerned. Gobber never cries!
"N-no" he shakes his head before bursting out crying. My eyes where wide and scared.
"Gobber what's wrong? tell me" I mutter as toothless whimpers in the background. He obviously knew Gobber was sad.
"Hiccup... I'm dying. I'm coughing up blood and I can't eat.. everything hurts.. I'm always in pain. Hiccup my end is nearing.. b-but I don't want to be here for the end.. i-I.. want to leave.. now."
Everything was rushing into my head like a hurricane. Messing it up and destroying things that make people feel joy the most. But I got the hit straight on, like a bullet.

I couldn't speak.

My only family I have left is dying.. is leaving me. I look down at my desk, my fist clenched in my hair.
Gobber just stood in front of me crying. He didn't want to die. I could tell he didn't.
"I-I'm so sorry hiccup.." he whispers. I stand up and look at him tears in my eyes, threatening to roll down my cheeks. I bite my lip before rushing into his arms and hugging him. He hugged back thankfully and he held back his tears as much as he could. But I wanted him to let it out. I wanted him to know I'm here for him and that I'm thankful for all the things he's done for me.
I rub his back and bite back my tears, before I couldn't anymore. I start to cry.
I sob into his shoulder and take deep breaths. "I-it's okay." Was all I could get out before sobbing loudly.

It seemed like hours hugging and crying until we let go. Personally it ripped my heart to not be in his embrace and him not in mine. I was scared of losing my only family. Gobber sniffs and cups my cheek wiping my tears. "Don't worry hiccup.. you still have me now. Don't be so sad when I die. I want you all to sing, dance, drink to my death like it was wedding. My life was full of adventure and happiness.. I want my death to be the same" he said, his words some what meaning a lot to me. "Yes Gobber, I promise we will sing and dance in celebration of your life and death. I-I.. will make sure.. everything is just the way you want it" I say between tiny whimpers and sobs. It was hard to talk.. I didn't want to. I wanted to fall to the ground and whale and scream may pain away, but I knew Gobber didn't want that.
I was doing everything for him.

My father.
My saviour.
My friend.

Jacks pov

I was looking out into the sea before I feel a strong tap on my shoulder. I turn with a raised eyebrow. It was Gobber. His eyes looked red and puffy like he was crying.
"Gobber w-" before I could finish, Gobbers voice interrupted me. "Captains room now"
He turned and started to walk as I hesitate to follow. Am I in trouble? What did I do now?
Gobber stops at the door and watches me, obviously waiting for me to open the door.
I swallow the lump forming in my throat before opening it.
I see the same brunette I see every day staring out of the window, his back facing towards me.
Why did I feel like I was about to be punished? Or is it just the tense silence that was illuminating around us?
"C-c-captain you wanted to see me.. correct?" I stutter making hiccup chuckle, but his chuckle sounded broken.. dead even.
"Correct. Jack take a seat" he orders softly. He turns and I gasp when I see his red puffy eyes. He sits down and I quickly take a seat, Gobber coming in and standing beside my chair.
"Hiccup.. what's going on?" I mutter softly my chest tightening at the thought of hiccup crying.
He looks up at Gobber almost as if he was asking permission. Gobber nods softly and gives hiccup a sad weak smile.
"Jack. G-Gobber is dying.. the reason why I am telling you this is because he is second in command. And well... your training is finished and Gobber has requested you to take his place, becoming second in command and the next Captain if I die."

Woah.. what?

"U-uh.. Whoa. Just. I'm sorry I'm confused." I chuckle out in disbelief.
"I think I explained it pretty w-"
"Not like that. I mean, I'm confused as to why you would trust me and let me take on this role? I've been here for two weeks. I'm very honoured I really am but why?"
I was clearly confused. I'm not as good as the over pirates. They can lift heavy things way better then me. They can fight and they've been here longer. Hiccup probably trust them way more then me.
"Hiccup.. Why?" I keep edging him to tell me.
"Because jack!" He snaps and stands causing me to sink in my seat. Gobber walks forward and places his hand on his shoulder, calming him.
"I-it's not about the strength, it's not about the fight. Its the brain jack. Its your knowledge and skill to solve a puzzle. You've proven your mind is different from everyone else's. You've proven your intelligence to me. No one out there-" he points to the door, leading to the outside where the pirates lay. "-can do what we do. No one out there can solve a puzzle the way we do. But jack its not only knowledge. Its passion. Passion to do something and lead a group to victory.. A crew to victory. I saw from day one the passion you had. The desire to be something more then just a deck scrubber. Your more then them and this is what me and Gobber see. This is what Gobber helped me to see. He wants this jack and I to.."
His words where so inspiring and just the way his voice burned with leadership made me honour being in this crew even more.
He wants this jack and I to.
Those words seemed to echo in my mine like a broken recorder, replying the same part.
"So jack.. will you be my second in command?" He mutters looking at me with those eyes.. those emerald eyes, his hand out for me to take.
My lips twitch into a small smile as I nod, taking his hand with a respectful grip.
"I will."

Aye Aye Captain /hijack/ boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now