Aye Aye Captain. Chapter 14: Punishment.

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"If I have to eat one more stupid bowl of mash-potatoes, I'm gonna strangle someone!"

I sigh deeply and look over my shoulder to see a toddler-adituted man.

I swear he's the most demanding man I've met. I make him meals and keep him warm. While I'm slaving around trying to keep the crew together and out of fights.

Second command is pissing me off.

Both Hiro and Hiccup are unable to play part as captain. So I'm stuck with the job. Hiccup seems fine though right? Wrong.

Last time I tried to get him to do jobs he had a panic attack. Why?

Flash backs.

He told me everything that happened to him. Lets say it was worst then what happened to me. It took me two to three months to recover as I found safety with my uncle.

Its funny how I talk about him like that even though I killed him.

"Whats the complaint now?"

I asked and everyone rolled their eyes. This happens every day and they are kinda used to it.

Since Hiccup is back safely he's using his time off by complaining. Well, I can't really blame him. We've fed him potatoes every day cause I know from experience he can't eat meat.

When I ate meat after what happened my body rejected it. I got sick after that.

"I want some damn meat! Soon I'll be a cannibal trying to rip everyone's face off!"

I chuckle lightly and shook my head.

"Hiccup you can't eat meat yet. I'll give you something nicer then mash potatoes. Deal?"

The crew didn't mind our love affair which was very unusual. I thought we would be thrown away the second we kissed.

"Mmmmgh!" He groaned annoyed and wrapped his arms around behind me. I smiled and leaned into his now non-boney chest.

Those potatoes are doing the trick. Making him nice and healthy. Just a bit of meat on his bones.

I look back at him and give his temple a small kiss. Hiccup smiled in my visible eyesight and I giggled just lightly.


Toothless lets out a whimper and Hiccup moved from him. "Sorry buddy I'm not giving you enough time." He kneeled down patting the whimpering pup.

I always wondered why he had no teeth. Well he does have some but many are missing.

Toothless gave a large smile and gave hiccup one good slobbery kiss causing me to laugh loudly.


Hiccup always hated when that happened. I could tell by every time he groaned and cursed at the dog.

Our relationship I must admit has been getting better. Way better actually. He's loving to me. I feel like a real pirate princess. I treat him the same back.

Except when we are kissing. We haven't gone passed that. I'm scared he'll get more flashbacks. They are getting better though.

I think he just wants to be dominate. so when he's ready he will take charge.

Having your privileges and your dignity taken from you for so long can make you feel weak, stupid, most of all worthless. I don't know how he feels but I know one thing.

He isn't the same.

He's changed in a way in my eyes. He doesn't take things for granted. Well from what I can see.

Aye Aye Captain /hijack/ boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now