Aye Aye Captain. Chapter 8: Allies

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Thanks for the comments last chapter I really appreciate it. :) it shows me you guys still like this story. I kinda deleted 'when there's a storm there will always be a rainbow.' Cause you know.. I hated it. It went it a stupid direction I couldn't recover from. So anyway I left you guys off with a cliff hanger (evil me) LETS GET TO THE STORY!

Taking a gasp of breath felt like relief. But.. where was I?

I wasn't in the boat, I wasn't on the land, I wasn't in heaven.. where am I?

"H-hello!?" My body was limply clinging onto a crate as the water ripples move me along. Looking up I saw the clouds. The storm was ages away and it was now sunny and beauitful. The sun just touching the water edge as it arose from its slumber. How did I get here?

Memories of the storm came flooding back.

Hiccup!? Where was hiccup!? Hiccup wasn't in the boat!

I felt my chest tighten even more then it already was from the lack of oxygen. I didn't help him. This is my fault. I'm horrible person and I lost the person I love to a storm we could not dodge.

I lay against the wood and watch my tears drop into the water of the ocean. The water was cold and my body was shivering on its own accord.

"A-any one.. help me" I cry and bite back sobs. If I was going to die here alone. Might as well shed my last tears.

When I was starting to give up hope and let my body fail me a loud call of a male rung through the atmosphere.

"Someone get that boy up here along with the dog!"

Wait what Dog?

I turned my head to see... Toothless! Hiccups dog! I've seen him a couple times but toothless never really liked me. I just seemed to put the dog off.

I swam over to toothless and grabbed his makeshift collar. It was just some old belt with a silver belt buckle.

The black dog shivered and whimpered in fear.

Me too boy... Me too.

"Its okay it's okay" I whisper to the canine before he licked my cheek. I laughed and smile. Happy toothless and I where on good terms.
"Come on lets go get saved."

We both same back to the ship. Well... Toothless dragged me most of the way. Rope ladders here thrown to hang against the ship and someone climbed down and grabbed toothless. Leaving me to climb by myself.

This men looked nice. Lets just hope I didn't judge their covers wrong.

"Sit sit! You must be freezen!!" An over excited little lady sat me down. Giving me a blanket to hang over my shivering body.

"T-t-t-t-thank y-you." My teeth where chattering. The wind seemed to pinch my skin and make me shiver even more.

"Here have some soup! My name is Elsa" the little lady handed me a warm bowl of soup and rushed off to do something.

I eagerly drank the soup before a shadow caught my eye. I looked up and saw the captain. He wasn't bad looking.

"Hamada. Captain hamada." He introduced himself and bows his head. Before pulling out his sword and pointing it to my throat. I swallowed what I had in my mouth and closed my eyes tightly. This is it. This is karma for calling them nice to quickly.

"Who are you and who's crew are you from?" He seemed to waver in his stern voice. I shook in shock and placed the bowl down before answering with a shivery, shaky voice.

Aye Aye Captain /hijack/ boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now