Aye Aye Captain. Chapter 7: love me

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Hiccups pov

"I love you" I whisper in his ear knowing he was falling asleep and would be in the matter of seconds. I wanted him to know, even in his dream that I love him.

I, Captain Hiccup horrendous haddock the third love the one and only, jack frost. And he is now mine.

This is what I've been looking for my whole life without really noticing it.
I was looking for a meaning of my life and now I have found it.

Its jack.

Jack is the whole meaning of my existence. If never became a pirate, if my parents never died, if Gobber and Johnathan never saved me from my death sentence, if jack never killed my enemy, if gobber never died, I would not have jack.
I would not have him in my arms. I would not feel the twisting sensation he gives me each time he touches me. I would not feel.. this... belonging feeling I feel now.

Every thing in my life, lead to this. Happiness.

You can not believe the pure happiness I feel to be alive! To be in his arms as one, in harmony. I would give everything I own just to feel this everyday.

Jack completes me.

Jacks pov

"Jack wake up!"

My eyes flutter open to meet very panicked green ones. I hum in confusion and he pulls me up throwing me my clothes.

"Hiccup what's wrong?" I yawn and quickly get dressed knowing hiccup wants me to hurry. Hiccup looks out the window, completely ignoring me and running out. Thanks?

I quickly follow him sliding my sword into my belt quickly. "Hiccup!" I call out.

"What in heavens name ha-" I look up to see dark clouds. The ship was rocking violently. The rain was pouring in buckets. The shots of water hitting roughly onto my skin. "Jack! Get everyone down to safety!"

"What!? Hiccup are you crazy!? I'm not leaving you up here!" I shout over the thunder that was rumbling above.

Was hiccup crazy!? A storm like this could sweep hiccup off the deck and into the dark water beneath. Thunder and lightening sounded making me jump and whimper in fear. I've never been in a storm. We dodge storms as much as we can. But since hiccup and I were busy, hiccup didn't see the signs.

"Gods damn it Jack just bloody do it! I'm put my crew in danger I intent to take them out!" Hiccup roars in his commanding domineering voice. I bite my lip looking as lightening hits the waters surface. I was frozen in place with fear.

"Jack! I love you okay! But this is no time to mess around! Get everyone to safer levels! This is an order Frost!"

I shook from my frozen state and quickly run off looking back at hiccup.

I yell in panic and knock on each door. They all walk out totally confused.

Wait? Is rapunzel and merida room mates? Why are they look so flus- Damn it Jack, back to work!

"Everyone there's a storm! We need to head down stairs now!"

They all looked panicked and follow my orders quickly. Rushing down stairs. I walk behind the group making sure no one is left behind.

Hiccup. You need hiccup.

No! He said he needs to do this. You must respect your captain and trust him with your life. I grit my teeth and wipe tears away.

Why am I so scared? He's going to be okay. Your being totally stupid Jack frost! The thunder rumbled like mental sheets hitting together taking me out of my thoughts. "Sit down and hold on!" Jack orders and turns to leave but Eugene grabs his shoulder.

"Where are you going!? You need to stay here and stay safe!" He mutters as Jack turns around facing him.

"Hiccup is still out there!" Jack yells over the noises and start to walk away but one again grabbed.

"Jack! Your the only leader we have right now! Hiccup is out there to save us! If you die with him we are stuck without a leader. This is why your in second command! This is what happens!"

I stare at Eugene taking in what I just heard. He's right. I sigh deeply and walks back with Eugene. I stood against the wall and frowns watching everyone stare around in panic. Storms are pirates worst enemy.

I sat there for what it felt like hours. The boat was rocking and the waves where crashing like rattling metal.

I look down at my feet and whimper. "Jack stop crying"

I'm crying?

I look up at Merida and smile wiping my tears. "Sorry I didn't even notice" I mutter so blank. Thunder roared and I yelped in responce.

"Its okay Jack. It's okay to cry your human it's norm-"

Before she could finish her sentense the boat was filled with water.

Aye Aye Captain /hijack/ boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now