Aye Aye Captain. Chapter 10: Sacrifices must me made.

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Dear captain Hamada of the Hamada family ship.

I have a pleasant announcement to make to you. In reply of your previous letter, I do in fact have hiccup. As you requested, safe and unharmed. I was able to keep him Safe but not fully unharmed.

I will give Captain Haddock to you, but it won't come free. I want Jack. Jack frost.

I know you have him and I won't give up. You have to make a decision Tadashi. Will you risk a friend's life? Or a stranger you just met?

Choose wisely.

Yours sincerely, Captain Black.

I scream in frustration. Pitch that sneaky little whoreson. I never wanted to be apart of this! I'm just trying to get my friend back. Hiccup and I have been friends ever since he saved me from an enemy ship.

He didn't know me at all but he still saved me, even risked his life for me.
I promised to keep him safe ever since.

But what do I do? Jack is a person too and he can't just give him over knowing what pitch does to people. It's horrible and uncanny. Just imagining what hiccup is going through though. I know he's in some kind of pain due to the letter.

If pitch even so far as penetrated him, he's dead the minute I see the black haired pirate. He's not even a pirate, he's an abomination too our kind!

He's sick in the head and needs professional help. Real, professional help.

"Dashi, Jack's pacing outside you really need to show him the letter. It does involve him."

Looking down at my younger brother, I smile at his kind heart. Always wanting people to be happy and the best for them. I hope he's never corrupted in his life. He's too pure and too young. He doesn't need this life. He should he showing his inventions to the world! Not on some wooden ship along with pirates. But we really had no other choice.

Our parents died when we were young, for Hiro it was really young. Just watching your parents executed in front of you.

Our Aunt took us in but she soon lost custody off us due to bankruptcy. We were on the streets for a very long time until we joined a pirate crew, on accident of course. Hiro broke something of theirs and they made us work for them to repay since we were only small children with no money.

That's how we became pirates! The whole captain thing is a different story, that you really don't wanna here.

"Your right hiro. I'm just worried for the lad. He's been through a lot and I'm scared seeing this letter will scare him away and we won't have a single opportunity to save hiccup. You know how much he means to me. He saved my life-"

"I know I know, save me the sappy love story." He smiles and chuckles. His usual crazy hair flicking out of his eyes with a flick of his wrist.

"Just send him in and let him read the Letter. I'll handle it from there. Agreed?"

I couldn't just say no. Hiro is the master mind of plans around here. Whatever he comes up with, he'll make sure it's perfect before performing it.

"Agreed." I smile and shyly take his hand. I pull him into my chest and hug him softly. "Thank you for helping me out young brother. I don't know what I would do without you and your smart head" I chuckle as Hiro nuzzels into my chest happily.

"Your welcome brother. You help me stay on my feet" Hiro sighs and smiles up at me. His smile was like the sun rise. Brighter then any light.

I slowly lean down and kiss his forehead. Letting go of him and walking off out of the private quarters and out to the deck. "Jack please join me" I call out and watch as the white haired boy turned with a shocked face. He nods quickly and walks after me as I walk back into the room.

"Sit Jack. Hiro and I want you to read something." I hand him the piece of paper and sit down. My bother standing beside me, his hand gripping my shoulder comfortingly.

Jacks face seemed to drop from all hope as he started to cry. "This is all my fault" He sobbed and covered his mouth rereading the letter in disbelief.

"Jack i want you to listen." Hiro suddenly says and stared hard at Jack. Jack looked at Hiro with a small glint of confusion.

"I have plan alright. Hiccup will be saved, but some things may have some sacrifices. But this is about keeping everyone alive as much as we can. The crew, hiccup and you. We will not let you down Jack." Hiro said with so much confidence that I felt proud of my younger sibling. He was very calm and I'm happy that he isn't a mess like me. He knew what to do and I knew I could let him take control.

Jacks POV

Reading the letter made me want to throw up everything. Well everything that I could consume this morning.

Pitch wanted me. He wanted me and he was hurting the person I love to get to me. The classical villain story.

Just thinking of that evil man made my chest tighten. What he did to me will never, ever be forgotten. I will keep those memories and store them away as I fight for Hiccup. My pain and memories will be my fuel, my power and engery.

I was full of rage but full with also relief. Hiccup was alive, But he was hurt because of me. Hiccup wasn't at the bottom of the ocean, but he was possibably drowning in pain.

I hope he did not think of me as selfish and lost his hope to survive. I felt like that through the pain and I nearly gave up. Who am I kidding? This is hiccup! Captain hiccup! He is the bravest, strongest, stoic, beautiful male I've ever known in my life.

He made me feel like I was in the clouds, he made me feel special. This rough hands and soft lips. I will get him back even if it killed me.

As Hiro explained to me what the plan was, I was so deep In concentration. This was going to work and hiccup will he saved. Tadashi and Hiro will have their friend back and I will have my lover back.

And I knew, sacrifices must me made.

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