Aye Aye captain. Chapter 2: feelings?

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Hiccups POV

I walked onto the deck with a cheeky grin. Frost is such an idiot. Thinking I will untie him. Ha!
I look around at my happy crew members cheering and drinking any alcohol they could find on this ship.
The ship was starting to get old and the wood was rooting slowly. Gods I need a new ship.
Once everyone realised I was on deck they all cheered and started a blast of questions and comments. "Captain! I heard you killed clause!" One shouted as another yelled "how did you do it!?"
I couldn't answer. All questions of all kinds shot at me like bullets. I was starting to get a headache.
"Shut up!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Everyone cowered and stepped back, stopping their questions.
I knew what they want to hear.. but I can give them the right answer. Cause it wouldn't be true. "I, did not kill Clause!"
I announce loudly as everyone gasps and whispers. I knew this was a shock.. Clause was my enemy and they knew that.
"But he is dead. He was killed by one of his crew members."
"That traitor!" One in the crowd shouted and the others cheered.
"He is a traitor but he did it for me! Now.. as a sign if my gratitude. I'm adding him to the crew. If anyone has a problem. You know where I am!" I walk off. I could hear whispers and whines. I knew no one would talk to me face to face. They are all to scared to face me. Except for Astrid.. but she was a girl and I'm a gentleman! I don't hit girls!
I walk back to my room, chuckling when my eyes set onto Jack. He looked like he was trying tI chew his way through the rope.
He jumps in shock when I sit down in front of him again.
"There, your a part of the crew. You better have a good explanation." I growl as I stare into his eyes with an annoyed look. It took him some time to find the words. He seemed so deep in thought he forgot I was there.

Jacks Pov


Do I tell him!? Jack Frost hold yourself together! Tell him. No don't! he wont forgive you! Look how annoyed he looks. He looks like he's about to chop my head off.
I take deep breathes deep in thought.
I snap out at my day dreaming and look at the emerald eyes of my new captain. He looked worried and was watching me closely.
I sigh deeply and looked at the ropes that was holding me in place so I won't run away. Probably because hiccups planning on killing me if it's not good enough.
I put on my usual 'I don't give a shit' smirk before explaining. Here goes nothing.
"Well.. as you know I was a part of captain blacks crew but I escaped not being able to handle the abuse and suffering anymore." I look down in shame. I should of been stronger.
"So anyway.. I went to find help. I found my uncle a-"
"Uncle?" Hiccup rudely interrupts me. I glare softly.
"Don't interrupt" I growl before smirking as hiccup relaxes and nods telling me t ocontinue.
"I found my uncle and I stayed with his crew. I started talk to Astrid.. I know you know her cause she told me about you." I blush and I look at his amused face, as he lets out a sexy chuckle. The muscles in my stomach clench, causing me to get even redder. Hiccup.. I swear.. what are you doing to me!?
"The more and more I heard about you I got interested. I want to meet you. Maybe to join your crew.. well look were I am now" I laugh and he just looks at me.
"Anyway.. clause started to talk to me about this trap. It was to kill you. It was aimed at the door. When someone opened the door it would pull a trigger and a gun will be shot. So anyway. They set their position perfectly knowing you would go after them. When you did everyone was ready to die. They knew you were stronger. So before you could even get close to the door I killed him and disarmed the trap.." I pause and look at my lap.
"I don't know why.. but a feeling in my stomach told me to save you" I whisper shyly and bite my lip nervously. I didn't want to look up at him I was to scared. I would at one point. Right?

Hiccups Pov

I was absolutely shocked. A trap? Clause isn't that smart! Well I guess he was.
Why did jack save me?
There was an internal pull on my chest when he said that he felt like saving me. I didn't know what the feeling was but it felt warm against my skin and made my cheeks burn.
The feeling was nice. I wanted to feel it again as soon as possible. It felt like getting drunk or taking drugs. It was addictive and made adrenaline rush in my veins.
"I-I.. thank you jack.." I mutter and jacks head snapped up, so he was facing me. He looked equally as shocked as me. "You don't hate me?" He muttered with a hopeful smile.
"No jack" I mutter before standing up and moving my chair to my desk. I start to work of maps I had to finish, stopping our conversation.
I smirked as I heard jack groan in frustration. The ropes. Heh. I'm not letting you out yet.
I chuckle and in the corner if my eye I can see him frown.
"Come on hiccup! I just told you and I'm a part of your crew! Untie me!" He struggles and bites the ropes, chewing at it.

"You still killed him when I wanted to. You have to pay." I mutter, poking my tongue out as I work.
"Asshole" I hear jack whisper.
"Only to you Frost. Only to you"


Jacks Pov

I've noticed hiccup sticks his tongue out as he works. I find it cute in a weird way.
Jack. Stop. Just stop.
I internally face palm as I sit back finally giving up on my escape of my rope prison. My arms have little rope burn from my struggling.
Jeez it hurts.
It was sundown and dark. Hiccup yawns as he finishes off what he's doing. This whole three hours he's been ignoring me and my groans. Asshole
He gets up, my eyes watching him. He rubs his eyes before falling down on a thing that is supposedly a bed.
Really? He's making me sleep on a wooden chair!? I groan again as hiccup chuckles my favourite sexy chuckle. But it was deeper making my stomach clench tighter and thighs press together again.
"Go to sleep frost" hiccup mutters before he drifts off to sleep.
"I cant!" I whine only to find out he's out cold. "Son of a fuck" I groan and rest my head back softly, closing my eyes tightly. I keep my eyes close as I over think what's happened today, hiccups soft snores as I think.
Okay... I woke up. Helped my uncle with his evil plan, only to ruin it and kill him. I met hiccup haddock.. he captured me and tied me to a really fucking uncomfortable chair. I told him why I killed my uncle. I was added to his crew. He made me feel weird in my stomach. He ignored me for three hours and now he's asleep. Best fucking day ever!
Note the sarcasm.
I sigh and open my eyes, tilting my head and looking at hiccup. He looked so peaceful. I just want to run my hand through his perfect hair. Maybe this won't be so bad. Well after he unties me. Then it wont be so bad.
Before I knew it my eyelids went heavy and I fell asleep. Not comfortable, but still relaxful as I dreamt of snow. White snow, covering the grass and freezing the ocean.
So peaceful, so cold, so wonderful.

Hey! So I hope you liked this chapter. It took me a while. Comment and vote. Ill make chapter three as soon as possible. I love you all <3

Aye Aye Captain /hijack/ boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now