Aye Aye Captain. Chapter 12: Picking up the pieces.

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Jack's pov

A big explosion of flame and ash erupted. Everyone of the crew gasped and started going wild.


"We need to save them! We need to find them!"

"Hiro!? Captain tadashi!?"

Frantic voices cried out. I felt so useless. This was my fault. If only I gave myself in surrender. No plan. No war.

Two of my friends wouldn't have been in danger. Hiccup wouldn't have been beaten.

"Everyone calm down!!" I gasp and turn to see hiccup standing panting heavily. His hands clenched and his face deadly serious.

Everyone seemed to freeze and look over to the Captain I've missed in shock.

"Get on the boats. We are going out for a search party. Do not panic we will find them. Your captain and second in command are the most strongest brothers I know. Do not give up on faith. They are out there waiting for loyal crew members to find them. If you aren't one of them, leave." He said in much authority. They've known Hiccup for a long time and it's obvious that they have much respect in him.

The women and men started to get to work. Getting on the boats and starting a search party. People even swam around In the obvious boiling water.

I was proud in their loyalty. I look over to hiccup who was about to get into a boat. Even after all he's been through he has hope.

"Hiccup stop! Please. Your wounded please just lay down and rest." I run up to him and take his hand.

"No Jack. These are my friends. I'm going to help them. You either join or leave. I meant it." He said seriously and I swallowed my nerves, as I nodded. I got into the boat holding hands with hiccup. I felt safe when my hands rested between us, intertwined and sharing the warmth of our palms.

It took hours and finally we heard a voice call out, "I found one!" we all went into the direction to see who.

It was Hiro. He was hardly burnt but he looked wounded, especially his leg. He looked like he was stuck on something.

He could of gotten out.

A couple men dragged Hiro onto the boat and checking if he was alive. He was barely alive was what one of them said.

It was scary that we could of lost them forever.

"Keep looking! Tadashi has to be close!" Hiccups voice started to sound a bit panicked. I could tell this wasn't going to get any successful.

It might take ages! He could be at the bottom of the sea for all we know.

I watched as everyone searched high and low. This was taking a long time and a storm is going to take place soon.

When the clouds started to get heavier and darker that's when he gave up. He was gone. That's all we could guess.

Everyone got back on the ship crying. Hiro was in one of the rooms sleeping and healing.

Let's hope the news doesn't come and haunt Hiro forever. I know it will haunt me.


It was now day, Hiccup was the one who steered the ship in clear way before collapsing from exhaustion. I took over the ship a bit while people tends to Hiccup's injuries.

I wanted to stay with him but these people's second command, Captain and Hiccup were all out of order.

As the water washed over the ships sides my mind started to wonder.

Is Tadashi alive?

I let out a shuddering breath and looked up at the sun. I glared coldly. "How dare you look so happy while we are suffering?"

"Jack, Hiccup wants you. I'll take over." Todd smiles brightly before it fluttered to a small sad frown. "C-captain taught me." He whispered and I smile sadly.

He moves over to the wheel and I give him a side hug before walking off to the rooms.

My blue eyes scan Hiccup. He looked very clean. His hair was now the auburn I remembered and his skin was very pale. But it always had a cute pink tinge. He had clean clothes on and he was groomed nicely. His ragged beard was shaven off obviously and his hair was cut to the length, one inch under his ears. His beautiful eyes never changed from the last moment I saw him on his ship, nightfury. Hiccups hands, those ones that touched me oh so passionately were so skinny and giving Toothless a pat. Toothless once again looked happy. Hiccups wooden leg wasn't on him so it was just a lump of a leg.

Still very handsome.

"Do I look pretty?"

I couldn't help but giggle and nod. "Elsa and Anna did a very good job." I wink and move closer. Hiccup smiled softly and as soon as he could reach my hand he pulled me onto his lap.

My usually pale cheeks turning red like the burning passion in my heart.

"I missed you." Hiccup whispered against my ear making me shudder. I felt like such a girl around him. I turned to him and placed a deep loving kiss onto his rough lips.

"I love you." I mumble and stared at his closed eyes. Hiccups eyes stayed close but I saw his smile twitch his cheek in a cute way.

"I love you t-too." His voice broke and I squeal, tackling hiccup to lay down while hugging him. Toothless found this an invitation to jump on us.

He jumped up and landed on my back with his big black paws, barking happily while hiccup and I laugh hysterically.

Everything went quiet as Toothless laid down on us. We just stared into each other's eyes with love.

I started to kiss his neck. Rubbing my face on his jaw as I continued to lavish him in kisses.

My movements stop all together when Hiccup started to sob. I pull away and look down at him. "Hiccup. Baby?"

"I-I-I'm s-sorry." He hiccuped which was kinda ironic. I strokes his groomed hair and frowns before I noticed. This is probably the first time he felt kindness in a long time.

I realised, he's been hurt so much that hiccup was overwhelmed. Was I pushing him too hard?

"I-I'm sorry." He sobbed out, nearly screaming even. Then something hit me. He sees Pitch.

"Hiccup, Pitch will never touch you again I promise." I say in a promising voice. Toothless whimpered from behind me as I try to sooth Hiccup.

"I-it hurts!" He screamed and his back arched in pain. Like a whip cracking down on his skin while his hands reach out for refuge.

"Hiccup! Please I'll never hurt you! Pitch is dead!" I push toothless off us and sit hiccup up. Hugging him and gripping his shirt as Hiccup continues to cry.

"N-no please! Ahh!" He screamed and his eyes roll back into his head. Something must had switched inside him. Something I switched.

"Hiccup... I love you. Fight it. You can do this." I whisper and that's when Hiccup's lurched to the side. Vomitting water and food that just looked Like sludge.

"Thats it." I soothed and he gripped his chest as he cried out. Seeing hiccup so distressed and so broken reminded me of myself.

I saw myself inside hiccup. I saw a helpless man trying to escape. I saw his light flicker it's last energy and just, break.

I was never going to let hiccup alone without support. Not like me.

He will live happily with family.

He will live happily with me.

I'll never let go.

I'll never let go of Hiccup again.

I promise.

Aye Aye Captain /hijack/ boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now