8. Tears

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I was laying there with my eyes closed. Thinking about what happened the day before. Ethan kissed me. I kissed Grayson. Ethan kissed me again. I needed to replay the moment when Grayson kissed me. I tried my best, even made a kissing-face. But I didn't know what I felt during the kiss. All I knew was that I was confused. I needed some time. Alone. I got out off bed and brushed my teeth. I dressed up and made some sandwiches. I stepped on my bike. The wind made my hair flow. I loved that feeling. After about five minutes on my way to school, I heard a voice from behind.

"Katie!" I stopped. It was Grayson. "Goodmorning! Did you already thought about what I asked earlier?" He asked. I got on my bike again and we continued. "Gray, where is Ethan?" I tried to avoid the question. "At home, he's sick." "Oh." Grayson grabbed my arm now and forced me to stop. "Katie, stop avoiding my questions. Did you feel something?" He kinda shouted.
. I felt tears coming up. "I don't even know myself, Grayson!" I yelled. "I don't know and I feel terrible. I've wanted to be with Ethan for a long time and now I am, you came in my life. When you kissed me, I got confused. Are you happy now?" I heard Grayson yelling my name, but I stepped on my bike again. I didn't feel like it anymore. I just continued my trip to school and got ready for a long day of boring classes.

I got home and saw a note. "I'll be home at 12 p.m. Sorry sweetie. You can order a pizza or something. Money is on the table. Love you!" I got angry and ripped the paper in half. "Why are you never home?" I screamed. I started to cry and realized how much I missed her. Tears streamed down my face, when the doorbell rang. Shoot. I dried my face with my shirt and opened the door with a red face. It was Grayson. "Hey, I'm sorry." He said fast before I closed the door. I opened it again. "I shouldn't have asked you that." I walked away, leaving the door open, as sign he could come in. He followed me to the livingroom. "It was my fault and-" he stopped and got closer to me. "Why did you cry?" I looked away. "How did you know that I cried?" He pointed at my wet sleeve. "That's wet and your face is red. And I can hear it in your voice." I sat on the couch and Grayson sat next to me. "What happened?" He said soft. I told him that my mother was never home and that I just missed her really bad. He rubbed over my back. I laid down against him. It all happened before I knew what I did. Grayson held me close to him. Then I said something I shouldn't have said. "I also felt something."

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