Chapter 3

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There was skin upon skin, soft moans drawn out till the only way to hear them was to feel them, and meaningless words spoken. I had never initiated in this activity with anyone other than Josh (except for the accident with Gabe), but man was I glad I had with him.

It was as if he knew me better than Josh or I knew me. There were no words to describe how special the experience was, nor how Brendon seemed to know every trick in the book.

"You deserve something special." He whispered, his lips ghosting down my neck. My plump lips parted but no sound left them, my eyes were closed.

"I'm going to blindfold you, is that okay?" He asked, and I nodded, lifting up my head enough so that he could blindfold me. After a few seconds the blindfold was placed over my eyes and I laid my head back down, my bruised and battered body unwilling to do anything else.

"This might hurt for a few seconds- but I promise after that it will feel better." His voice was poison, it was addictive and seductive, everything that made me weak. He tied up my hands, making sure my left arm was straight out.

"W-what are you going to do?" I croaked, fear building up in my chest at his words. My nostrils picked up the faint scent of fire fluid, like someone was using a lighter.

"Shh." He whispered, and the bed sank as he leaned down to run kisses up my neck and across my jaw, gently kissing my lips- as if it was a delicate rose.

"It'll all be over in a moments notice, trust me." He said, and I felt him pull away. I swallowed thickly and then there was a jab in my arm, causing me to cry out in pain. What made it worse was that I knew it was a needle. I let out a short cry again as he pulled the needle out. The smell of fire reached my nose. The blindfold was removed and I blinked several times, hyperventilating.

"W-what did you do?" I choked out, tears brimming in my eyes. Brendon hovered over me, kissing my cheeks, more exactly the tears on my cheeks.

"Wait-" He growled out. It took a moment but then something happened. I felt beyond excited, I felt like I could fly. Brendon smirked as my lips quirked up in a smile and he kissed me sweetly, his naked body hovering over mine. I kissed back greedily, not knowing what the hell was happening to my body. His lips trailed across my left cheek, going to my left ear before following my jaw line to my right ear. He followed back to my nose and kissed down my nose, capturing my lips in his again. My hands were still tied up, but I'm pretty sure if they weren't I would accidentally be hurting him by digging my nails into his skin.

Instead my nails rigged into my palm, only adding to the pleasure. All too soon it passed and I sagged, eyes closing as I felt an odd calmness burrowing into my chest.

"Give me a moment, and I'll untie your hands." He said softly, and I watched as he moved sluggishly. He untied my right hand first, allowing circulation back into said hand. He moved to my left and untied it. My hands flopped onto the bed and I rolled onto my right side, my naked body trembling slightly. I could feel the poison he put into me coursing in my veins, making me feel this way.


"Heroin." He said, causing my blood to run cold. My vision was red and I felt like I was going to be sick. I slid off the bed, falling onto the marble floor. My skin making a nasty sound as I hit it. I groaned softly, pushing myself to my feet, before stumbling to the wall. I crashed into it and used it to guide me to the bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet before I threw up, my tears mixing with the vomit.

"I'm going to die." I cried softly, grabbing some toilet paper and wiping my mouth. I dropped the used pieces into the toilet before reaching up with a trembling hand, pushing down on the silver handle and flushing the contents down into the sewers. I shakily stood up, using the wall again to get me back to the bed.

Broken Generation (Sequel to Don't Go)Where stories live. Discover now