Chapter 29: Business to Cold Shoulder (Pt. 2)

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Meek POV

We were eating breakfast and Nicki acted as if I wasn't even there.

Nicki- "So Papi and Cai, what you wanna do later?"

Papi- "can we go skating?"

Caiah- "that sound cool. We can try ice skating. and we can get hot chocolate like the little white families do"

Nic busted out laughing at him, showing that cute dimpled smile that I fell in love with.

Nic- "boy you play so much. But okay, that's the plan then."

Meek- "Am I invited?" I asked everybody.

Nobody said nothing, not even Papi.

After a couple minutes of silence, Papi finally said "sure, dad"

I ain't even gone lie, my feelings was hurt. I guess I deserve it tho.

Meek- "nah, yall gone head have fun. Imma prolly catch up on my sleep anyway"

I suddenly lost my appetite and just wanted to shower and lay down.


I felt bad for ignoring Meek but now he knows how I feel when he don't text me back or when he say he coming home and he dont.

Nic- "Cai, I'll drop you off either after skating or tomorrow morning. You decide."

Caiah- "well I wanna stay with you as long as possible"

I smiled at my baby brother.

Nic- "I second that"

Meek put his napkin in his plate and got up.

Meek- "uhh, I'm about to uhhh, go lay down. Yall have fun later" he held his head to the side as he walked away looking like a lost puppy.

Caiah- "yall must be f-i-g-h-t-i-n-g", he spelled it out so Papi wouldn't catch on.

I sighed and put my head down. "Yep"

Caiah patted my back and rubbed in a circular motion. "Well I actually like him, even though he cheated me in 2k... It's none of my business but you seem way happier and nicer than when you were with don't let him go TOO far, sis."

I reached over and hugged him.

Nicki- "So proud of the man you're becoming. I love you Lulu. Now cmon. I'm full and need a nap before the day get started"

Caiah- "fatty"

I mushed him in the face and grabbed Papi.

"C'mon boys"

Meek POV

Man, my head was fcked up. I was lonely as hell and I know Nicki didn't plan on talking to me anytime soon.

I tried to reach out to her but I'm not about to kiss her ass right now.

I was in there listening to music when I heard her come in. It was just her, so the boys must be next door in they room.

She must be about to lay down. I moved over on my side of the bed to make room for her. Instead she laid on the couch and put her headphones on.

I grabbed my phone and texted her: "this is petty".

I looked over at her as she read my message. Instead of replying, she sat her phone down and turned and faced the opposite way.

I sighed and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up and went to check on Cai and Pap, they were up and dressed.

Pap- "finallyyyyy" he said as he rushed my way. I laughed at him and asked if they were ready to go.

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