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   So this is kinda an update but I expect some people to be updating about this as well. So it was orientation night and it was extremely crowded. First, all the 7th and 8th graders gathered up in the hall. Then, an announcement came on and we were all told to go to our classes. I'm sure luvl12 will tell you more about that (if she was there. idk if she was or not) ;) But the 8th graders all gathered up in the Science classroom. However, the journey there was kinda bad. First of all, IT WAS SO CROWDED IN THE HALLWAYS OMG. Mrs.dieDeutschLehrerin was at the doors to the hallway and when she saw me we hugged :D Next, since the hallway was crowded, I had to walk on the right side of the hallway and guess who's classroom I had to walk bye. Mr.Elchicoespañol's classroom! And guess who was right at his door! Mr.Elchicoespañol! We made eye contact and I glared at him, my eyes saying "no." Then, I ran over to the science classroom. There, a majority of everyone was there. Kylie and Lizzie was there. Soon, Bella came in. The teachers were also there. Now, time for an introduction! First, there was Mrs.Hole (who you already know as the Math teacher). Next to her was Mrs.Camcam (The science teacher), Mrs.Hurdee (The SS teacher), Mrs.Carter (The Visual Arts teacher), Mrs.Moore (the English teacher),and Mrs.Bonita (The 8th grade Spanish teacher). Soon, orientation started. Ms.dieDeutschLehrerin wasn't there due to the fact that she teaches both 7th and 8th grade. So, she was with the 7th graders. Anyway, the teachers began introducing themselves then began to go over procedures. 

 When it was Mrs.Moore's turn, she began to talk about how every teacher could do things differently. She said that you might have to raise your hand in Mrs.Carter's room but not have to in Mrs.Bonita's classroom. But then, Mrs.Hurdee interrupted and said, "but one thing is in common for all of us. If there is snot running down your nose, then please, DO go get a tissue." Then, everyone began to laugh. "Then please get some kleenex when you're done and another tissue." Another thing that was kind of a bummer: Kylie,Jamien,Bella,Lizzie and my bus was now the activity bus. We have to share a bus now with all the kids going to clubs at the high school. Great.

 Around one hour later, the  orientation ended and everyone walked out. After a lot of hugs, we all separated. Mrs.Pope was in the hallway by Mr.Elchicoespañol's classroom. Bella and I said "hi" and we all hugged :3 . Then, I asked her if she was still doing Mathcounts (which was where you practice a lot of math and then compete in a competition). Unfortunately, she said no but the new Math teacher was going to be doing it. The new math teacher is named Mrs.Willie. The entire time, I was praying in my head that Mr.Elchicoespañol would NOT come out of that door. Thankfully, my prayers were heard. 

 Once again, my dad and I was walking to the exit. Then, Kylie came behind us and I talked to her and hugged her (by force >:3). Finally, we left.  

  So, school starts in 5 more days! Great! Luvl...I hope you went to the orientation xD I want to know what happened. Also another note: My cousin, Jerome, is in GA so...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAH. 

School Is Strange: 8th grade editionWhere stories live. Discover now