International Club

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I'm going to admit. International Club is one of my favorite clubs now. On to the story...
So I met up with Leeanna outside and we arrived at Ms.Bonita's door. The thing was, she wasn't there. So, we waited, scared that we were the only ones in the club. Bless the soul of everyone who showed up. And Ms.Hurdee who helped us figure out what was going on :) . So, Ms.Bonita showed up and we all sat down in her classroom. I sat with Leeanna, nervous. Soon, Frau DieDeutschLehrerin came in and they began. We started with elections. For president, we choose Matt. Yeah...this will be fun. Then, we needed a Vice President. I was given my sheet to vote and I wrote down "Leeanna the fabulous person." Suddenly, Mr.Elchicoespañol walks in (he wasn't in the room before). Frau DieDeutschLehrerin reads the votes and when she says "Leeanna the fabulous person", we burst out laughing. I mean....WHY NOT?! Leeanna won the election and then they voted for a secretary. I tried out but lost horribly. One vote. ;-; Marah won and then the final position was available. Treasurer. I tried out and when Mrs.DieDeutschLehrerin asked why I would be a good treasurer I said:
"I can count and I can read." The female teachers laughed and Ms.DieDeurachLehrerin  said: "Yeah, I can vouch for that!" Then, I added in that I was good at Math, an important skill. I won. WOHOOO. Mr.Elchicoespañol was by Ms.Bonita at the time and he recognized me. Save meeeee. He said: "Hi, Joanna." I didn't want to be rude so I said hi back. Although, I was extremely happy that I won. I GET TO COUNT MONEY! :)
So, then they began to talk about things we should do. Next week we will have a bake sale. Well, when they asked for volunteers to bring something, I said I would do it on Wednesday (that's when we start). But LEEANNA LEFT MEEEH FOR THURSDAY ;-; . Now I have to make a Greek cookie called Koulouakia (most likely spelled wrong) before Wednesday. Great. We also talked about things like the Day of the Dead (which everyone seemed to of mentioned something about it). Then, we said we would meet twice in December for Christmas so we can do crafts for us fabulous Germans and BREAK OPEN A PIÑATA FOR SPANISH. I love this club. Anyway, I said that I knew a Japanese game and Ms.Bonita said that that was good for a game day we could have. Yay! I'm useful! We left the meeting and went outside where I talked with Leeanna until she left. Then, I was stuck with the teachers and this kid named Timmy. He had to,d them that he spoke French and they were now attempting to speak in French. Timmy and I watched in amusement as they spoke in French. Ms.Bonita asked me if I spoke French but I said that I didn't get into the RISE program (a program I went to before in 6th grade) in time. Awwwe. Then, Ms.DieDeutschLehrerin mentioned how my Papou (Greek for grandpa) was Greek. "Greek?" Mr.Elchicoespañol exclaimed. I nodded and then my Yiayia (Greek for grandma) called out for me. She was there this entire time but I couldn't see her. I said bye then ran awayyyy.


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