Okay...I swear this was an accident

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So...if we hadn't done a showcase project in February we had to do an End of the Year Project. So, Jacob made an interactive game on Kahoot.it. Ms.Moore told us to take out our phones to play it. On there, we had to write a nickname and...oh boy... I typed in:
~SpookyCookie~ and it DIDN'T autocorrect, understand? So I don't understand WHY this happened... I clicked enter and...my nickname...came out as "hell"...
I SWEAR I DIDN'T MEAN IT!!! And I didn't even realize it!! I thought ~SpookyCookie~ was up there. And everyone looked at the board like:... What...? Who's dumb enough to put their nickname down as hell?!
"Whoever's nickname is hell, I suggest you CHANGE it," Ms.Moore said. That's when I realized I didn't see my name on the board. Confused, I checked the bottom corner of my phone and realized that for my nickname, it said: "hell." Wth. WTH! I quickly got out of it and tried ~SpookyCookie~ again. It now said switch. WTH! Then I typed cookie and it worked just fine. WTH! I was dying and crying in the back corner of the classroom. ;____; my liiiife

School Is Strange: 8th grade editionWhere stories live. Discover now