My First Official Day Back At School

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So, as many of you may know, I have been sick all month and I managed to go to school for two days before going to the hospital (( ;~;)). However, I finally made it back to school! So, this is how my first day went:
It was an A Day, so...yeah...
I waited for the bus for, like, forever, praying that it wouldn't pass my stop. Both of my parents were at work, my grandma was somewhere, and I didn't have a key to the house. It would have been bad if I was stuck out in the cold. However, the bus came and I was greeted with warm welcomes from my friends :D . Anyway, I arrived at school and went to Science class and...well... So, since I don't know what names I gave them, if I did, and they aren't on my list, I'll just introduce them here:
I was put into a group with a boy named Anthonaenae (don't ask) and Eric and both are crazy. What makes it great, you might ask? I have to write a song about Wegner and seafloor spreading with them. ._. Oh dear...
Then Social Studies came, but it was cut in half due to an assembly (which was EPIC). I was greeted with a warm welcome (and hug ^_^) by Ms.Pope and after the assembly, Ms.Moore! Then came Algebra. Holy crap. I was so confused and stressed out. I had to copy notes, copy homework answers, and write down notes for the current lesson all at the same time. What made it worse? I didn't fully grasp the concept before it when copying notes so I was extremely confused at what everyone was talking about. And we have a test on Thursday. Crap.
Well...I was taught how to use the microwave by the faculty eating lunch .-. Good job me. ALSO I HUGGED A LOT OF FRIENDS :)
I bought a Hershey's Cookies & Creme bar. I love those so much.
As I was walking towards PE, I saw Coach Sock and told him hello. "And she's back again!" Coach Sock exclaimed. :)
Then I learned that they were selling chocolate bars and will be selling more on Monday. I'm so glad I earned $10 in the Hospital for drinking contrast. :) 

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