Career Day

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 So, at our school we have a day called Career Day that's for the 8th graders only. On Career Day, our homeroom would go to different places in the school to talk about different career cluster (don't worry my 7th grader GA friends that are reading this, you'll learn these next year.) So, Ms.Moore wasn't here (because of certain reasons), so Ms.Pope was looking after us until our substitute arrived. She didn't arrive until we were at our third cluster. Anyway! When Career Day started, we went to the cafeteria with several other homerooms for the Arts cluster. I sat with Lizzie in the front (something we DEFINITELY DON'T REGRET). For the Arts, two DJs called DJ Skillz and DJ Burns was there. Fun fact: DJ Skillz was Mr.Brown (The Reggie Math Teacher)'s brother! :O Yeah...none of us had his class xD. Anyway, they talked to us a little bit and then DJ Skillz did a demo while DJ Burns was dancing to the Whip & Nae Nae song in front of Lizzie and I...we died...of laughing. Afterwards, DJ Skillz told the homerooms that he knows who was laughing and might call some of us out later to do it.

...plz no...

He didn't. THANK YOU GOD! Next, we went to the next career (well not really career, but...)...ROTC. Dear God......I'm scared. Well, scared and intimidated. They did everything so perfectly and it was unbelievable. I would describe it, but I can't. I just can't describe it. Next, we all scotched over to the other side of the gym for fire fighters! I doubt anyone was listening. I think they were too busy watching the ROTC members on the other side. xD

 Next, we went to Networking in the Reggie 8th grade hall. That was wear all of our home room's were split so it was just Ms.Moore's group. Ms.Pope told us that the man talking to us about Networking was her good friend so we better behave. Anyway, in the middle of the presentation, the sub came in and Ms.Pope left. So, during the Networking (IT cluster) the man told us that a certain career was growing and that it had been on the news several times this past year. He said that no one in the past two groups had guessed it. I was the only one to raise my hand and he called on me. "Hackers?"

Bingo! :D

Next, we went to the Medical Science cluster. A man from McLeod Hospital (a hospital in SC) was there and when we walked in quietly, he got scared. He asked if we were always this quiet and we said no. "We're IB," Bradley said. The man paused for a moment before saying: "Oh, so you are IB. You guys are the smartest of the smartest. You all should be up here, teaching me something, instead of you!" Bradley began to get up and said: "Sure you can say that. I'll teach you!" The man laughed. "I like you!" Anyway, we had to guess where the McLeod Hospitals were located. There was 6 in total. We all began to guess and the man called on Izzy, who guessed Sumter. The man stopped for a minute then asked her: "Have you been going to our CEO meetings? Because that's where we're planning on expanding to next. Are you a spy from Carolina Hospital (another hospital on the other side of town)??" He asked her what her name was. "I'll be watching you Izzy..." He caught Biscuit McDoodle and Ashley talking and told them not to work together. Then, he gave us a hint that it was by the beach. Tehran  raised her hand and he called on her. "Lake City!" The man turned to the class and immediately, Tehran began to laugh, realizing what she had said. "Class, let's all remind Tehran how Lake City is NOT by the beach." He walked over to her and began to comfort her.  "It's okay...every class has a...special child..." We all died of laughter. Anyway, it was soon time to go and we, for some reason, headed back to the cafeteria for MORE DJ Skillz!

 The Reggie's in the back for Study Hall had a great time. At the end of the presentation, DJ Skillz had some kids come up to try out the DJ set they had up. We had: Random Reggie! Tehran! Swifty! Zai (who was given the nickname KZ)! And finally...DJ COMMA (Matt)! Random Reggie tried to do the demo but no sound came out, Tehran didn't do so good, Swifty and Zai did surprisingly good for their first time, and Matt...RIP Ears. He made sound but too much scratches. Anyway, they were ending career day with a song and the Random Reggie jumped onto the stage and began to dance with DJ Burns (which they recorded). It was great...then the basketball game happened that afternoon. What a confusing mess.

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