~~7th Grade Flashback~~

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So, I have PE this quarter with Coach Sock (idek) in the gym. On Fridays we have to read and as I was reading on the ground at my assigned spot, I remembered an incident that happened last year in Coach Parter's PE class.
It was a stormy day and we had to read. Coach Sock was out that day so all the 8th graders weren't in the gym. Anyway, I wasn't really interested in my book so I turned to the middle to see if I would be interested. I was. As I was reading it, there was suddenly a giant BOOOOM! and the lights went off. The dark gym immediately erupted into screams from the girls as the lightening flashed in the sky and thunder roared. Meanwhile, I was just staring at my book, thinking, "BUT IT JUST GOT TO THE GOOOOD PAAART! AAAAGH! Also, am I supposed to be panicking right now?" The EXIT light turned on, providing some light but not a lot. Not that many people calmed down at the time because the lightening became extremely frequent.
They were having a party .-.

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