7 - Two Guys, What?

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When I came to, there were two heads peering at me. I recognized one was Kai. The other one was the man who saved me.

"How are you feeling?", they asked in unison.

Other than the shock of almost dying and levitating in mid - air, I could be worse.

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

Impulsively, I reach out and touch their faces. They both looked surprised but neither moved away.

"You... You're real aren't you?"

"Very much so."

I drop my hands from their cheeks and turned to the stranger.

"Thank you for saving my life. Uhm... What's your name? And are you okay?"

His voice was deeper than Kai's but I detected a slight lisp when I heard him speak.

"It was not a big deal. I am 0412 and I am in optimal health. Why did you ask me that question?"

"Because you look paler than Kai."

The stranger eyes Kai then snorted. I saw Kai blush for the first time.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, no. It is true. I am paler than 0114. Almost all of us are. But he does not want that to be pointed out."

Kai reddened a bit more and suddenly the stranger stared at Kai. They kept staring at each other until the stranger sighed and stood up and turned to me.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Astrid. I hope you talk to us soon. I also listen to you. Any words you throw at the winds, they will carry to me. And I will listen."

"Stay. 04 - what comes after? I don't think you're in any condition to go back if I understand that wind is your power."

"12. Do not fear for my safety. I still have some wind inside me I can use."

"... Please don't say that to anyone again. And you need an Earth name too. And I insist that you stay."

"Let him go," Kai said.

"No. I won't. He saved my life. And you are supposed to know him better, but he felt hotter than you and he had been sweating."

"Being called hot on Earth is a form of compliment right?"

"Ugh! I am not complimenting you, I am saying you are sick! You have a fever!"

"We do not get sick, we get fatigued -"

"And you are very much fatigued now! So stay here, even for just one night. I'll make us dinner."

I pull on 0412's hand and push him down to sit at the sofa. I then take Kai who keeps shooting him angry stares.

"Be nice. He saved me after all."

"I am nice! I just went out for a while and you disappear and I was in panic and I couldn't be there to save you and I feel so.. so ANGRY TOWARDS MYSELF! I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE! I -"

"You are here. Right now. With us. Actually, I'm quite relieved. Both of you actually have feelings."

"No we do not."

"Yes you do. You just said you felt panic and anger."

A funny look crossed Kai's face.

"I'll go check on 0412." He then went back to the living room without saying another word.

When I went to the kitchen I was surprised to see a number of bags, all with groceries. I shake my head in amusement and prepare our dinner. I haven't done this in a while, preparing a meal for people aside from myself. God, is it okay for me to be selfish? 

Or will my selfishness take them away too?

When I was done cooking I went to the living room and didn't find them there.

I went to my parents' room and found both of them there, asleep. I tiptoed in and observed the both of them. Both were beautiful men. Both saved me. Both had powers.

Both do not have feelings.

I was lost in thought but suddenly, some thought brushed by, like a whisper in my mind


I was surprised. No one spoke, I was sure of it, but I saw that 0412 was watching me.

"H - how..?"

I heard laughter in my mind. But 0412 was still watching me.

I am thought speaking to you. It is like being in a room where we are not in any danger of being eavesdropped. Just think of what you want to say to me.

Like this?

Oh! A gifted one! Not all Earth folk can thought speak to us, much less to each other. It is easier for us to pick Earth folk thoughts. Earth folk have too much on their minds. As long as you close your mind, we cannot enter, unless if your thoughts are loud or you open your thoughts to us.

"Why are you telling me this?"

I don't think it will be long before the others find out and they are not as accepting of 0114's action as me. Maybe it is because we are the youngest, but we have a curiosity of Earth folks. You live short lives but your lives seem fuller than ours. You live and learn without powers and you feel things. We are advanced and more evolved but we have forgotten what it is to feel. But being with you, we have started to know what these feelings are. Before, they were just words but now I am starting to understand that they must be felt in the inside.

In the heart.


You need to feel them in the heart.

The heart is an organ that pumps blood. Feelings are hormones' trickery.

No. They are much more than that. They can't be explained by Science alone. What did you feel when I fell? And why were you there?

I saw him shift restlessly before answering.

I was afraid. I felt it. I felt the desperation of not being able to reach you in time. And I was there because 0114 panicked when he could not find you. He asked me for help.

Thank you for being there.

I saw the corners of his mouth twitch up and I saw that his eyes crinkled up.

You look really nice smiling. You should smile more often.

Immediately his expression returned to a poker face, although his cheeks were now pinkish.

I am embarrassed. I... I.... But I am happy as well. You should thank 0114 as well.

He stood up and walked to where I was. He started removing the scarf but I stopped him.

"Keep it. As my thanks and something to remind you to open your heart to feel."

He looked at me then gently pulled me in for a hug. A gentle hug that seemed more friendly or brotherly in nature than Kai's.


I will stay here for a while. I am under your care. And for the name I have thought about it. I will be Sehun.

He let me go, pat my head and ruffled my hair. I stared at him in bewilderment, and he smiled an angelic smile... Which then turned into a scheming smile.

He pulled me in and ran towards the bed pulling me with him. We landed on Kai and he jerked awake.

"What is this -"

"Hello, I am Sehun and I will be staying here for a while. Please take care of me. And dinner's ready!!!"

And for the first time in a very long while, I had dinner with company. Dinner had never been that noisy or warm.

I wish we could have stayed in that moment forever. But fate had other plans.

*Sehun's beagle - ness has emerged!! Sehun will be one of the most important supporting characters in this story arc, that's why I developed him early on.
* I hope you enjoy the story so far :)

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