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"Hey Pipes! We're like... Best friends right? So do you think your dad could sign this for me?"
She had the friends, but they were never true.

"What are you gonna do, loser? Slap me with your stupid books?"
She had the smarts, but they were trampled by isolation.

"Miss Levesque, it seems that your cancer has spread."
She had the creativity, but her illness killed her spark, like it was killing her.

"Why did I punch you? You were breathing too loudly."
He had the chance to escape, but the threats alone kept him in line.

"Leo! When are you coming home?"
He had the opportunity to go home, but home didn't exist.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, but your mother is dead. You're going to go live with your grandmother for awhile,"
He had his mother, but the army had ruined that.

"Fine! You know what? Being in hell would be better than being with you!"
She had the tough girl image, but the pain was too much to bear. She broke.

"Don't you care that your mother is dead?"
"No, not really,"
He had the heart, but it was buried under layers and layers of no emotion.

"Wait... Who's Nico?"
He had nothing. Nothing at all.

They all have something in common:

They all had what others don't.

You Always Have What Other's Don't  ~a Percy Jackson AU~Where stories live. Discover now