I Annabeth

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Annabeth took one last breath until they shoved her head down the toilet. 

It all went downhill from there.

She couldn't take it anymore. Why was it always her? Why was she always the one to get picked on? Water roared in her ears, bubbles fizzed at the sound of her misery. Her blonde frizzy hair turned a sickly shade of light brown. Annabeth could feel herself breathing water, her brain exploding for the lack of oxygen, slowly drifting into black.. Someone tugged her back, and she inhaled sharply.
"Wow Loser, you should be on the swim team! At least then you might actually have a life outside of school!" Drew taunted, picking at her sweater. Annabeth still couldn't catch her breath, all she could hear the rhythmically pattern of toilet water plopping onto the tiles, mocking her in some way. Drew stood up, smiling cunningly. "Same time tomorrow?" She asked, hypothetically of course, the answer was yes one way or another. She and her posy giggled out of the restroom, reapplying lipstick  and gossiping like they were getting paid to go it. When the door shut, she slid out of the stall. The paper towel roll sitting on the wall turned lopsidedly as Annabeth pulled one out from the dispenser, attempting the dry her hair with cheap brand of towel her school provided. It slipped through her hair, not working in the slightest. She attempted again, and again, the paper towel just puddled into wet brown mush. Her frustration growing, she ripped it through her hair again and again, but with the same result. Annabeth's eyes welled with tears. She wanted to smash the bathroom mirror, but she would only end up hurting herself.
She found that oddly okay.
Tears soaked her already wet face as she sobbed. Why her? Why was it always her?
Someone put their hand on her shoulder. "Here, use this,"
It was Piper McLean. Annabeth didn't even realize she was in here. Quiet as mouse, but could force anyone to do anything. She had the money, and the power.
So why was she talking Annabeth?
A pink hair dyer now lay in Annabeth's hands, she hiccuped a thank you as Piper shoved her hands in her pockets and sauntered out.

Her hair dried stringy, which made it look like tiny woven strands of broken spider webs. She shivered at the thought. Annabeth hated spiders. She wished she had a comb on her, but alas, her thought-to-be bottomless bag had failed her. She shoved her hair into a beanie and fixed her commonly messy makeup. Her hands shook as she applied a light lip gloss, only to accidentally smear it all over her left cheek. As she pulled herself together, she lifted her fringe bag over her shoulder and tread cautiously out of the restroom, entering the havoc educing hallway. Voices of loud, half-baked jocks bounced off the beige lockers, increasing their volume by 26% by Annabeth's calculations. She dodged and weaved in and out of an array of noisy high school students.  She kept her head down and her eyes low, forcing herself not to make eye contact with anyone. She starred at her shuffling feet, counting the number of steps she took, 1, 2, 1, 2. Over and over until she was out of breath.
"Hey Lame-abeth! What lame book are you reading now? Is it lame?"
Despite the overwhelming idiocy and the overuse of he word "lame", Annabeth tried shutting them out. Keep walking.. Keep walking..  She told herself.
"Hey! I was talking to you, loser!"
She gripped her school books, restraining herself from sprinting down the hallway.

Out of nowhere, a rough hand grabbed her shoulder and slammed Annabeth up against the lockers. She let out a strangled cry.
"Stop!" She manged, tears welling up in her eyes.
"What are you going to do, loser? Slap me with your stupid books?"
Annabeth felt herself begin to cry, if only she had the courage to speak up for herself. If only someone besides herself cared...
"Let her go," a voice answered. Annabeth and the bully turned their heads simultaneously, to see a boy, his faced shadowed by a dark blue hoodie. The bully let go of Annabeth's sweater, opposing the boy with a menacing look.
"And what are you.. Gonna do about it, Jackson?" The jock poked him in the shoulder, making him wince. "Oh.. That's right.. Don't you get abused by your Stepfather..? And your.. Poor.. Poor.. Mother.."
The boy snapped. He threw the potently against the wall and started punching him.
"Shut your damn! Shut your damn mouth!" The boy repeated.
Annabeth watched, horrified. She didn't understand what was going on, why would anyone fight for her?
This kid looked familiar... he was a nobody, like she was.. But he was different, more mysterious. Wait.. Was that Percy Jackson? Annabeth felt an involuntary tremor developed in her legs. Her body felt like jelly as she watched the boy in the hoodie beat up the jock. He's face was black and blue
"Get off him,"
Across the hall, standing there, was Jason Grace. Percy wiped the blood of his face, smearing it on his sleeve.
"Jackson! Get your ass to my office, now!" Coach Hedge screamed, his voice booming he across the hallway, causing the entire school to grow silent. Percy shot Jason a dastardly look and trudged into Coach's office.


You Always Have What Other's Don't  ~a Percy Jackson AU~Where stories live. Discover now