VI Jason

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Hey guys! To celebrate 12k reads (!!!), I've decided I'm going to publish three chapters in a row. Not only do you guys completely deserve it, but you've been so supportive and I'm forever thankful. Thank you so much and enjoy YAHWOD (Yup I came up with an abbreviation because I don't want to type the whole title 😂) from Jason, Frank, and Percy's perspectives!

Jason waited at Ambrosia's for three hours. He texted Piper three times, no doubt. But she didn't respond once.

Jason wasn't an emotional person. Hell, he couldn't remember the last time he cried. But he wasn't a sociopath, he just didn't really care.

When his hamster died in the fifth grade, he just got a new one. He didn't cry over cuts when he was younger, he just washed them out with water and put a bandaid on it. His teachers would joke that he could pass for an adult, he was so mature.

But when his father left, he wasn't sad or devastated, he just took up an extra shift at the pet store.

When he mother died, he didn't cry. He barely thought anything of it besides an empty bedroom. It's not like she ever slept their anyway.

Even when Luke cheated on Thalia, he felt no remorse. Slightly angry? Maybe. But the matter didn't apply to him, so therefore he couldn't produce anything empathy.

But Piper.. Piper was a different story. Jason just couldn't figure out why. He could comprehend why he went to all of these extra measures to please her. It's not like she asked anything from him. But in the mornings, Jason would put just a little extra gel in his hair. When he had s class near hers, he would stand up just a bit taller. Some heads he would even restrain himself from looking at her, just to make her question him.
But at the end of the day, Piper overwhelmed his every thought. She was like water in your ear that you just couldn't shake out. You would go to great lengths to get rid of it, but in the end it would never work.

He didn't understand how she could frustrate him so much. So when she didn't show up to the small coffee shop, Jason felt a part of him die.

That night, when Thalia questioned his whereabouts. He grunted whatever excuse ended his mind first and slammed his bedroom door.

The suit for Reyna's father's art gala hung loosely in his closet, almost mocking him. He reminder of his current girlfriend weighed on him. When he checked his phone, most of his notifications were from Reyna. Oh god, again? He answered all of her texts with one word answers, and called Piper twice. No answer.

He groaned and pulled a pillow over his head. Not five seconds later, did he feel his phone vibrating wildly on his bedside table. A FaceTime from Dylan, no doubt. His friend, but nonetheless an asshole. Jason was in no mood to answer, but he did anyway out of obligation.

"You will never believe what just happened."
Jason enterally rolled his eyes. For any story he was about to tell, that was always his opener.
"Mhm," Jason responded, checking his snapchat.
"I just scored with Piper McLean!" He said with enthusiasm. Jason froze, now this was a conversation worth his time.
Dylan smirked. "She just invited to be her date to Reyna's art gala thing. So you think if I sleep with her I'll meet her dad?"
Jason cleared the lump bag was beginning to form in his throat. "I don't think you want to sleep with her." He said coolly.
Dylan scrunched his nose. "Dude, what?"
"I mean you don't want to get roped into a relationship, or you?"
Dylan pondered his for a second. "Have you seen her though? She hot as hell."
Jason kicked his nightstand, his lamp scattered onto the floor.
"Woah! What was that?"
Jason made up some lie about his neighbors and their rowdy parties, and quickly hung up on the douchebag.

Maybe sleep could solve his problem, if only he could get some with Thalia crying in the next room.


The next morning, before she could even say hello, Jason pulled Piper into an empty classroom.
"Did you cut it yourself?" he asked blankly, feeling her hair between his fingertips. He had no idea how, but Piper's hair seemed to get softer and softer every day.
She blushed. "Um.. yeah. I did. It's a look choppy but-"
"It looks beautiful."
Piper turned another shade darker, running fingers through the carotene. Although he didn't show it, Jason thought it was adorable when he made her flustered. They way Piper wouldn't meet his eyes, her cheeks warm like an oven. It made Jason feel like he had accomplished something.
"Why didn't you pick up last night?."
"Oh! Um-"
"You were busy? I was waiting for you at Ambrosia's."
Piper turned away from him. "Sorry."
A brief silence covered the two of them like a blanket. Jason could tell that something was eating at Piper, it had been for a couple days now. Why else had she been acting so weirdly? Chopping off her hair, telling off Drew, what was next?
Just as Jason leaned in to kiss her, she veered away. "We can't keep doing this."
Jason blinked. "What?"
"You're cheating on Reyna, it's wrong."
He rolled his eyes. "Her dad is paying for college, you know that."
"So you're using her, and cheating on her."
"It's not like that, Pipes."
Piper pulled away from his grasp.  "I'm going to the art gala with Dylan."
Jason's gut twisted, his veins beginning to pop out of his neck. "I know."
"Choose," Piper said, determination flooding her face. I'm giving you until that night to make up your mind."
As Piper slipped out of the classroom, Jason felt the last whisp of his happiness starting to fade. He kicked one of the nearby lab benches.

Quietly, Jason composed himself, his usual stone cold expression returning. He slapped himself gently, then waited until the coast was clear to exit the room as did Piper. 

It was time for him to make up his mind.

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