XVIII Annabeth

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18k in like two days... stop fucking with my mind please.

When Percy first told her about Hazel, Annabeth psychically gasped. Her hand fell to her face, and an overwhelming sense of sadness washed over her.

The entire school was at a loss for words when they heard she had died. It was strange, because she was in the hospital so much, many students forgot she even went there. Low and behold, as Annabeth walked the halls the next day, Hazel's old locker was adorned with several pictures, cards, and various flowers. She could feel her stomach drop to her knees. The McLean family even planned on hosting the gala in her name. Annabeth thought it was nice, but the fact that Piper didn't even know her made her blood boil.

But here she was, looping her earring a through her ears and putting on the strongest waterproof mascara she could find, in preparation of the same event. In a way, this seemed to be Hazel's burial. Not like a traditional funeral, no, but it's not like she wouldn't have one anyway. Annabeth had met her a total of once, but the conversation that had in the car that day left an imprint on her forever. It felt nice to talk to someone about a subject they equally knew about. Talking to Hazel about art was like smashing a champagne bottle against a boat, celebratory and satisfying. Annabeth gave herself one last look over before the doorbell rang.
When she opened, Percy dropped the flowers in his hand and gaped at her. "W-..Wow."
Almost immediately, she felt self-conscious. She laughed nervously, suddenly missing the protection her glasses usually provided. She reached over to grab the flowers he had dropped, but Percy quickly stopped her, picking them up himself. Sheepishly, he gave them to her, and Annabeth couldn't handle beauty of the roses. The fact that they were royal blue proved them to be fake, but that was soon pushed to the farthest region of her mind. She had always preferred a red color, but this color absolutely took her breath away. It was so vivid she almost started to cry.
Percy rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry they're fake," he sigh. "I read online somewhere that you had to match the color of the girl's dress and of course I ran to the store and they said they didn't have any blue flowers which is ridiculous honestly-" Annabeth thought it was adorable, the way he rambled. She silenced him with a kiss on the cheek.
"They're lovely, Percy. Thank you." Annabeth could practically feel him turning bright red as he offered her his arm,

And gratefully, she took it.


For a second, Annabeth almost regretted coming. She saw a few familiar faces, but she doubted that they knew her. She was anxious, but not to the level Frank was.

He had been asked to speak a few words about Hazel, and since the grieving, sputtering mess he was, Annabeth wasn't sure how much longer he would up.
Percy placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You're going to be fine, okay? Breathe."
Frank was shaking so bad, the index cards in his hands were trembling. Anyone could see that Frank was not fit for public speaking. Between mourning Hazel, and the boy's general anxiety, Annabeth was worry he was going to implode.
"Do it for Hazel," Percy said softly.
Frank stiffened, tears glistening in his eyes. "She wouldn't be proud of me," he sniffed. "I legitimately looked like I rolled out of bed."
Percy pressed his lips into a flat line. He thought for a moment before fixing Frank's hair. "That's a lie and you know it." He protested, giving him an assuring grin. "She loved you. Even you you got up there and tripped, and would still clap for you, you know that."
Frank rubbed his eyes. They were always red and puffy now a days, and every time Annabeth looked him in the eye it was like she was staring at the human embodiment of grief. She had never seen a kid her age so distraught. Frank nodded, giving Percy the meekest smile he could muster.
The whine and tapping of a microphone signaled that it was time for the speeches to begin. The three of them turn their attention to the podium, and there stood Tristan McLean, smiling gleaming like nothing in the universe was wrong.
"Hello, Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome, welcome! I hope everyone is doing okay tonight, even under these circumstances," Annabeth looked to Frank, seemed like he wanted to throw up. Percy patted him lightly on the back, It made Annabeth smile, seeing how gentle and consoling Percy could be. She thought it was sweet.
Mr. McLean's expression turned grim. "Although tonight was suppose to be fun and carefree, we must take the time to honor Hazel Levesque, a caring and prominent member of our community, who tragically lost her battle to cancer a few days ago."
Annabeth felt Percy's hand lace through her own, squeezing it tight. When she looked up at him, his eyes were glued to the speaker. She squeezed back.
"She was an exceptional artist, daughter, and person. She lives on through three of her friends, who happen to be here today. Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson, and Annabeth Chase."
Her eyes widened. Did Hazel consider her a friend? She could feel her tears blurring her vision together. She leaned her head on Percy's shoulder.
"On their behalf, Frank Zhang would like to say a few words."
Frank look at Percy, who gave him an encouraging nod.
As he made his way up to the podium, Annabeth feared his legs were going to give out. Frank was noticeably shaking so hard, look like he was having a long, constant, panic attack.
"H-Hi. I-" he took a deep breath, centering himself. He paused for a moment, staring at the green index cards with the speech he had prepared. Annabeth tried to analyze what he was thinking. Maybe he was chickening out, or worse, couldn't read his own handwriting. He shoved the cards in his pocket, giving the audience a small smile. "My name is Frank Zhang, and Hazel Levesque was probably the best friend I have ever had."bab

The speech went on for twenty minutes, but it was the most immersive twenty minutes of Annabeth's life. Frank spoke from the heart, and didn't even stutter once. His fluidity and eloquence shocked her, but she listened to the entire story intently.

Frank told the crowd about the first time she had met him, and how she flung her notebook against her room because she was so frustrated with herself. At the time, she terrified Frank. Annabeth laughed, Hazel seemed to terrify everyone at first.
But then Frank got sentimental, eyes welling with tears. He told them about his mother, who had died a month ago, and his Hazel quickly helped him heal the scar that her death left.

The only sound that could be heard was Frank, and not a soul in that room made single noise.


Soon after, Annabeth found herself wandering around the gala, watching people dance and laugh, as if they had no cares in the world. Warmth tingled inside her, drawing her happiness from the atmosphere of the room. She had an oddly pleasant chat with Drew Tanaka, who had seemingly not remembered shoving her head down a toilet. Annabeth thought she needed to be psychoanalyzed.

But then she saw Percy, sitting alone the corner. One hand was clutching his ribs while the other buried itself in his face.
Annabeth went over to him. "Are you okay?"
Percy sniffed, then looked up at her, grinning painfully. "Better than ever."
Concern swiped over her, kneeling down to meet his eyes. "Is it your ribs? Do you need it lie down?"
Percy chuckled. "No, no. I'm fine." He stared at the ground, eyes distant and pensive. He gripped the edge of his chair, his knuckles stark white.
Annabeth quirked her eyebrow. "Clearly, your lying. Come on, talk me."

"It's just-" He sighed, shaking his head. "She dead." Percy grew quiet, letting the tears flow past his cheeks. He was quaking. "I can't believe she's dead."
Annabeth bit her bottom lip. The two of them spent so much time making sure Frank was okay, that they forgot to check that they uwere okay. Percy was now sobbing through clenching teeth, pounding his fists into his legs.
"I'm sorry, Percy," she said, pulling him in for a hug. "I'm so sorry."

Percy buried his face in her shoulder, and in flickering second, Annabeth knew she wanted to keep holding him forever.

You Always Have What Other's Don't  ~a Percy Jackson AU~Where stories live. Discover now