XXI Piper

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When Piper heard about Hazel's death, her stomach dropped to her knees. She had always meant to visit her in the hospital, but I guess where just wasn't enough time in her schedule.

The guilt she felt was overbearing, enough to make her speak in front of thousands of her dad's random business friends and colleagues. Her stomach did backflips as she first approached the podium.
She had practiced her speech a million times in the mirror, saying each words flawlessly. But when she tried to do it in front of her dog, she clammed up like she was being put on trial. It didn't help that her date was a no show, as if she hadn't been embarrassed enough.

She thought of Jason, who was probably on another rendezvous with Reyna, yet another thought that that caused her head to hurt.

But she couldn't think of that right now.

She searched the crowd. Her dad was beaming at her to the point where Piper thought it pained him to do so. She took in a breath, concentrating on the task in front of her.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen I'm Piper," she felt a little silly introducing herself like this, but she needed some sort of segue into her point. "Hazel and I had been in the same English class for three years. I-.. We never really spoke much. I signed her get well card a couple months back, but that was it."
Her eyes fell onto the boy named Frank, and her heart sank. He looked so broken, so distraught. He wanted Piper with unintentional sad eyes. She wanted nothing more than to give him a hug.
"Hazel Leveque was nothing more than a face to me, and she didn't deserve that." She reached into her pocket, pulling out remote. With a click of a button, power point presentation started to play on the far wall. "If you look to your right, you will see of the artwork out of her sketch book, graciously donated by Frank Zhang."
She smiled at him, but Piper wasn't sure he was paying attention. His eyes were cemented or the screen, as were everyone else.
"Frank told me that Hazel didn't want anyone to see her work, in fear of it being rejected. But she was an artist," Piper said she she flipped through the sides. "An artist who needed to be see. So Hazel, if you're watching, here you go."


She stepped away from the podium, grabbing the nearest bottled water she could find. Her throat was dry and felt like sandpaper, how did motivational speakers do this?
She felt a hand jolt her shoulder. "Good job, kiddo," her dad said, still grinning. Piper had always wondered if here was ever a time she had seen him sad.
She muttered a half-hearted thank you, returning her table. She plopped down in her chair. She was anything but in a party mood. Watching couples dance and spin around wasn't quite high on her priority list. She sighed, pulling out her phone. She scrolled through Instagram, nonchalantly. She was desperate for anything to occupy her thoughts.

"May I have this dance?" A voice asked, extending their hand out to her.
"No, I'm fine," Piper replied, thinking it was just another creepy old guy that her dad worked with.
She heard Jason's laugh. "Piper."
When she looked up at him, she could tell whether her heart leapt or sank to her knees. "Jason?" She asked, stunned. "How did you-"
"Not important. Dance with me."
Piper took his hand as Jason lead her in the thick of the crowd, who slowly stepped along in time with the music. Piper couldn't believe her eyes. This was Jason, Jason in a suit, no less. She had to be dreaming. She pinched herself, and the only thing that came out of that was nail marks on her arm. Jason wrapped his arms around her waist.
"So.. where's Reyna?" Piper couldn't help but ask. It was the question that was always on her mind.
Jason turned red, staring at his feet. "Uh.. we broke up."
Piper's eyebrows shot up. "Oh my god, she is she okay?"
"Is she okay? She broke up with me!"
Piper laughed. "With good reason, probably. Who would want to date you?" She teased.
Jason spun her. "You, hopefully."
Piper wiggled her eyebrow. "Are you asking me out?"
Jason shrugged. "I think so."
Piper couldn't help but giggle, Jason and social cues were like water and oil.
"Well, I'm not sure I'd say yes."
She was kidding him, of course, but the look of pure unadulterated panic she had caused was almost endearing.
"Piper," he started, instinctively pulling her closer. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, okay? I'm serious. I-" he exhaled, trying to find his words. "I don't really care for much. School, my friends, even my own sister– we're working on that, though. But you.." he trailed off. Piper couldn't help but stare into his eyes. They were a beautiful blue. The type of blue that was so overdramatized on tv that you didn't think it existed. But it did, and that was Jason's eyes.
"What I'm trying to say is.. I-" he took a big gulp. "I love you, Piper McLean."
They had stopped moving. It was like time swirled into a black hole, and there's was nothing left expect Jason and Piper. She wanted this moment to last forever.

She swung her arms around his neck and kissed him.

No, she wanted this moment to last forever.


She wasn't sure who, but someone had definitely called the cops on Jason. It didn't really matter at this point though.He waved her sweetly as the guards dragged him out the door, and Piper couldn't help but giggle.

She sigh happily, swirling her drink. The thin red straw did circles around the perimeters her soda.

"Piper, hey. I've been looking for you."
Piper looked up, and there was Annabeth Chase, holding out a shopping bag.
"I was going to give this back to you.. but you sort of.. uh, ran off."
Piper took the back, looking inside. It was her pink hairdryer. The one she had given to Annabeth the day Drew stuffed her head in the toilet.
"Uh, thanks."
"Mind if I sit?" She asked. Piper shook her head.

Studying at Annabeth for a second time, Piper realized that she did not look like Annabeth. Her hair was tied up in a elegant, tight bun, much unlike the ones she wore to school. Instead of her usually outfit of a sweater and shorts, she was in the most stunning blue dress Piper had ever seen. On top of that, her glasses were gone, but you could tell that Annabeth had a little difficulty seeing without them.

"So, did Drew ever talk to you?" Piper asked, attempting a conversation.
Annabeth laughed. "About an hour ago, actually. She acted like nothing had ever happened."
Piper sighed, rolling her eyes. "Yep, that's Drew."
"You need to get new friends," Annabeth suggested.
"Yeah well, I think the only friend I might have right now is my boyfriend."
The word was new when describing Jason, and she was almost embarrassed by it. It felt weird when it rolled of her tongue, but almost happily so. The word seemed to put Annabeth on edge as well.
Annabeth raised her hand. "Well, I didn't have very many to begin with, either. I know this is the lamest thing ever, but you wanna be friend?"
Piper couldn't help but chuckle. Sure, the entire conversation was so middle school, but it was comically so.
"Yeah," Piper said. "I'd like that."
Annabeth paused. "Can we make a pact?"
"Now that were friends, can you make sure my head doesn't go in anymore toilets?"

Piper laughed. "Of course, Annabeth."

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